Eve Hetsu
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Western Name: Eve Hetsu
Eastern Name: ヘツ・イヴ
Kana Pronunciation: へつ・いゔ

Gender: Female
Age: 14

Release Date: May 11, 2020

[* Official Site]

Technical Details

Voiced by: Calendar System
Managed by: Calendar System

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Voicebank Distribution

All voicebank(s) are currently WIP. I would appreciate critique on the most recent one in the comments of this page or messaging me on Discord (Calendar System#2557).

Ivu Hetsu Japanese CV (6/25/2020): https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1LO9jak3diX6VAzXcjE_nhHo2xVeBQObz?usp=sharing

Terms of Use

R-18 Content Allowed? Forbidden
Commercial Use of Voicebank Allowed? Permission Not Required
Commercial Use of Character Allowed? Permission Required
Do these terms apply to derivative characters/voices? Yes, but derivatives must be created with permission
[* Click here to view the terms of use for this UTAU.]
[* Click here to view commercial license info for this UTAU.]

Voice Sample(s)

Character Details

Height: 5'3'' (FT)

Weight: 102.8 (LBS)

Eve shares her name with a common name I use in replace of my real name. Her last name is inspired by my surname.

Her name used to be Ivu, but I changed it to Eve because it's the name Ivu is based off of. Both she and I don't care which one you write.

Eve's personality is up for interpretation.

She tends to idolize more famous Vocaloids, as well as a few UTAUloids. Her favorite Vocaloids are Rin, Fukase, and Gumi.

She and my other UTAUloid, MOKUSEI, tend to fight often about which one is better. Eve was very annoyed when she learned that MOKUSEI was being created, for she wanted to be known as my only UTAUloid.

She was actually "released" in 2020, but there was no option for 2020, so I had to put 2019. By released, I mean that her current design and voicebank were finished on that date. The day after that was the day I showed off her voicebank to a few friends of mine for the first time by making covers of a few songs using it.
As you might see in the voicebank section, I have released at least one W.I.P. voicebank for Ivu, released solely for critiquing at the moment.

The first cover I made using her voicebank was a horrible cover of "Ah, It's A Wonderful Cat Life" that will never see the light of day again.

Any personality traits, relationships, etc. that I've mentioned in this are not specifically canon. You do not have to abide by them, for they are just how I portray her. They are merely headcanons. If you want to say that she's two-faced Tsundere who's dating MOKUSEI, go ahead. I don't mind at all; you can portray her how you want. The only things that are canon about her is her appearance, gender, age, and things like her height and weight.

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Image by WIP, will be added once the art is finished

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Image by Calendar System

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