Western Name: Hiiro Futsukaduki
Eastern Name: 繊月緋色
Kana Pronunciation: フツカヅキ-ヒイロ
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Release Date: November 13, 2016
Official Site: http://utaunanaproplus.wixsite.com/of-web
Group/Team: The Nameless projection
Technical Details
Created by: ゆこなる (Yukonaru)
Voice Source:
Derivative Type: Genderbend
Flag Settings: g-15~20
Other Technical Details:
When setting the gender flags to g-15~20, you can have the voice of Morte Kyomachi's genderbend.
Derivative Status: Created by voice-source owner.
Please see voice-source UTAU's page for applicable Terms of Use.
Character Details
Birthday: June 30
Likes: Music games, Morte Kyomachi
Dislikes: Lies, superstition, scary people
Personality: Hiiro is very ordinary girl who goes to the arcade.
Her right eye is just an ordinary eye that is translated and sewn, and does not wake up even if it opens