Western Name: Apollo
Eastern Name: あぱろ
Kana Pronunciation: あぱろ
Gender: Intersex (60% female, 40% male), identifies as female
Age: 16
Release Date: June 24, 2016
Official Site:
Group/Team: Lee
Technical Details
Created by:
Voice Source:
Derivative Type: Genderbend
Flag Settings: Y0B0g-15
Other Technical Details:
Apollo sounds best in the contralto/mezzo-soprano range. Use the same resamplers as you would for Artemis's voice. The same terms of use apply to her.
Artemis (the original UTAU)'s voicebank is available for download here: http://utau.wiki/utau:artemis
Derivative Status: Created by voice-source owner.
Please see voice-source UTAU's page for applicable Terms of Use.
Character Details
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 127 lbs
Unlike her twin brother, Apollo is affectionate and outgoing. She's a bit rash and loud, as well as very forgetful. Like Artemis, she has an aversion to romance/sex and would rather have lots of friends than a single partner. She is very intelligent and likes to mess with light and sound systems. Apollo is also very emotionally expressive and just as destructive as Artemis when angered. Her Myers-Briggs type is ENFP.