Western Name: Tsuka Aoi
Eastern Name: 月歌葵
Kana Pronunciation: ツカアオイ
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Release Date: January 30, 2022
Official Site:
Technical Details
Created by: アイカ Aika
Voice Source: http://utau.wikidot.com/utau:nene-tsuka
Derivative Type: Genderbend
Flag Settings: Y0B010g+20 or 30
Other Technical Details:
Aoi's voice are not default
please use Y0B010g+20 when you use him
Derivative Status: Created by voice-source owner.
Please see voice-source UTAU's page for applicable Terms of Use.
Character Details
Height: 190cm
Weight: 60kg
aoi is nene's younger brother
he's also came from the moon
his hair color red and yellow
his eye colors are blue and red he has hetrochromia
he's the tallest among the family
love his sister so much
he's kind to people and overprotective to her sister
character items is chocolate cookies
Nene Tsuka — Older sister (brother)