Western Name: ZaneChihuahua
Eastern Name:
Kana Pronunciation: ぜいんちわわ
Gender: Male
Age: 3 years old (21 in dog years)
Release Date: December 25, 2021
Technical Details
Voiced by: ZaneChihuahua
Managed by: ZaneChihuahua

Voicebank Distribution
Voicebank Information:
(Latest Update: December 25, 2021) This Voicebank is in the mono-pitch CV Japanese format with VCV beginnings and endings for vowels. The recording note is a C4 with moderate volume, usage of chest voice, a natural timbre, and a frequency average of 259.1 Hz. All of the audio files have been edited with a compressor to give the most amount of volume with a constant velocity throughout the file. for The file size is 48.8MB. This Voicebank can be used in Romaji and Hiragana. I think this voicebank works best with the "TIPS" resampler instead of the default resampler; especially with the breaths and ending of vowels. However, I think you can experiment with whatever you want. This voicebank includes an Alveolar trill (rolling r's) along with their respective vowels, 6 different breath sounds including inhales and exhales, breaths after a vowel, coughs, and individual English samples of "one," "two," "three," and "four." Of course, it couldn't be a Chihuahua voicebank without… AN ACTUAL CHIHUAHUA BARK! AAAAAAH!!! For Japanese users: "あ"="* あ"
Other notes from the creator, ZaneChihuahua:
If you use this voicebank to make something, please make sure to tag me wherever you are. I'd love to hear what you made! This is the 1.0 version of my official voicebank. As you can tell, this is a voicebank of me! Now, I bet you're wondering "Why doesn't he draw his own UTAUloid like everyone else?" Well, this is because I'm bad at drawing… Mostly, because I don't have any thumbs. I'll probably have to add some defining features to the character, ZaneChihuahua since, at this point, he wouldn't qualify for copyright because he looks too generic. I'll probably add a collar or something. IDK. If you want to offer a commission or something to make official art for ZaneChihuahua, make sure to let me know!
Official Voicebank EULA and Character Design License:
Official ZaneChihuahua Social Media, Website, and Voicebank/UST downloads:
Terms of Use
R-18 Content Allowed? Forbidden
Commercial Use of Voicebank Allowed? Permission Required
Commercial Use of Character Allowed? Permission Required
Do these terms apply to derivative characters/voices? Yes, even to derivatives created without permission
Click here to view the terms of use for this UTAU.
[* Click here to view commercial license info for this UTAU.]
Voice Sample(s)
Character Details
Height: 7 inches (17.78 cm)
Weight: 5 Pounds (2.27kg)
ZaneChihuahua is a 3-year-old (21 in dog years) male Chihuahua from Arizona, United States, and has a black coat. He has a weight of 5 pounds and a height of 7 inches. He's fluent in English, okay in Spanish, and can sing in Japanese. Likes: Edible food, karaoke, sleeping, and playing with others. Dislikes: Calculus, being tossed like a ball, SUPER loud noises, and Instagram. His official release date and canon birthday is December 25, 2021 at 11:51PM. I don't really consider Zane as a FURloid since he's not really a "Fursona" per se. It's just a regular Chihuahua who can talk but what do I know. If you only use FURloids, then, by all means, ZaneChihuahua can be a FURloid too.