Western Name: Yuka SHION
Eastern Name: SHION Yuka
Kana Pronunciation: シオン・ユカ
Gender: Female
Age: 16
Release Date: March 18, 2017
Group/Team: Shioloid (TiGi S-P)
Technical Details
Voiced by: TiGi S-P
Managed by: TiGi S-P

Voicebank Distribution
CV_NORMAL — One pitch: https://mega.nz/#!ec8mDKKC!iDbGVDMIrCDV2cyiQ-ixFbwAfUFNw4vDswHPHlRR2zk
Use moresampler, TIPS or the default tool.
flags- g6.
moresampler - Mo50, Mr25.
VCV Multipitch: Coming soon!
Terms of Use
R-18 Content Allowed? Permission Not Required
Commercial Use of Voicebank Allowed? Permission Not Required
Commercial Use of Character Allowed? Permission Required
Do these terms apply to derivative characters/voices? Yes, but derivatives must be created with permission
[*N/A Click here to view the terms of use for this UTAU.]
[*N/A Click here to view commercial license info for this UTAU.]
Voice Sample(s)
Character Details
Height: 5'6 (167.74cm)
Weight: 8 stone (112 pounds)
Birthday: November 6th.
Likes: Manga, Heavy weapons, Animals.
Dislikes: Angry shouting, Loud noise, Narcissists, Losing.
Personality: Yuka is a mayadere, which means she may say things that come across like she doesn't care about you, but on the inside she is a sweet, loving girl who only wants to have fun. Yuka's classed as a delinquent at school; she spends her time with her friends at the back of the school field, telling them sarcastic jokes and smoking. The only tip I can give you with Yuka is just DON'T PISS HER OFF.
Yuka enjoys intimidating people, but she wasn't always like that. When she transferred to her new school, she met an old friend named Kumiko. Kumiko tried her best to teach Yuka the ins and outs of getting good grades and staying on top, but failed to coach her as Yuka began getting more involved with the delinquents; they taught Yuka that school isn't important and she can get what she wants through them. Niku, who sees Yuka as a love interest, won't let her out of her sight and wants Yuka to leave her family home and run away with her. Yuka refuses every time, telling Niku to go and die. She feels bad afterwards.
Yuka has an older brother Haru, who is in his last year of school. He's a tough nut, and dreams of becoming either a bodybuilder or a writer. Yuka relies on him to protect her when things go out of her control.
Yuka also has a mother and a father, who are married and live together. Her mum is a stay-at-home housewife named Rie. She's an excellent cook, and hopes to one day pass her housewife traits down to Yuka. Yuka's father, Hideki, is an office manager who spends most of his days at work. During his free time, he's either spending quality time with his family (which he adores) or slaving away at the computer, filling out forms and whatever else.
All in all, Yuka is sweet at heart but since the delinquents intimidate her, she tends to become more and more ignorant to her parent's advice as the day passes. Yuka wants to grow up and became a famous musician, often making comments to her parents on her "rock'n'roll" way of living, which involves drinking all day instead of learning, dossing around on the streets late at night and praying to the Gods of Rock every night before she sleeps for around two hours.