Western Name: Yuina Harune
Eastern Name: 結菜はる音
Kana Pronunciation: ゆいな ・ はるね
Gender: Female
Age: 24
Release Date: August 16, 2020
Group/Team: GraySlate
Technical Details
Voiced by: GraySlate
Managed by: GraySlate

Voicebank Distribution
Yuina is recorded and aliased on a 7-mora CVVC reclist.
Yuina is tripitch, recorded at F#3, C#4, and G#4. Her range is a 2.5 octave alto, and can handle notes from a range of B2~F5.
Yuina sounds best when using fresamp and the flags BRE0Y99C99c99H0h0B0b0F1L1.
The readme that is included in Yuina's folder is written as though Miyuki herself wrote it. There is a real terms of use that applies to Yuina that is also included.
Yuina has some extra phonemes for use in English phrases or songs.
Yuina can be downloaded in zip format here
Terms of Use
R-18 Content Allowed? Permission Not Required
Commercial Use of Voicebank Allowed? Permission Required
Commercial Use of Character Allowed? Permission Required
Do these terms apply to derivative characters/voices? Derivatives of any sort are forbidden
Click here to view the terms of use for this UTAU.
[* Click here to view commercial license info for this UTAU.]
Voice Sample(s)
Character Details
Height: 6'3" (190 cm)
Weight: 172 lbs. (78 kg)
Yuina was constructed by Miyuki when Miyuki herself was 15 years old. She was programmed to do whatever tasks Miyuki wanted her to be capable of, and was consistently updated over time. The only things that Yuina was not programmed with were vanity and jealousy. Yuina prioritizes patience and kindness to all, even to those that are undeserving. She is always at Miyuki's side, often being her primary source of care due to Miyuki being away from her parents for large portions of time. Yuina cooks, cleans, and takes care of Miyuki and her bandmates. Beneath Yuina's cheerful exterior, she is capable of being a weapon of mass destruction. It's unknown even by Miyuki the scale of Yuina's potential rampage or what damage it could cause, so she tries to protect anyone curious from dismantling her and finding the weapon of mass destruction setting.