Western Name: WH1SH-P3R
Eastern Name: WH1SH-P3R
Kana Pronunciation: うひしゅ・ぱー
Gender: ??? (Non-Binary)
Age: ???
Release Date: October 14, 2016
[* Official Site]
Technical Details
Voiced by: K1RA_SAN
Managed by: K1RA_SAN

Voicebank Distribution
(VER. 1.4)
RANGE: F3~D5 [D4]
[Contains extra syllables to sing English.]
RANGE: C3~A#4 [G#3]
[Contains extra syllables and end breaths. 'r' syllables however be very odd in recording.]
RANGE: E4~A5 [B4]
[Contains extra syllables and end breaths. Very nasally sounding and not suitable for lower pitched songs.]
RANGE: D#3~D5 [B#3]
[CV Mandarin Bank. Contains all the syllables from the October Reclist (400+ Pinyin). Hence it's a CV, there will be a lot of cut offs for the ends so there are extra otos to add in however you can adjust as you wish. There may be a few wrong pronunciations when making this bank.]
[RANGE: C#4~F5]
[A child-sounding bank that excludes the experimental nasal sound from RYN1T3. This bank uses Biggity_boy’s C+V ENG reclist and is compatible with OpenUTAU C+V phonemenizer.]
(Note: This bank meant to come with the VCV JP however is not released until oto is completed.)
(B1N4RY) (VER 1.1)
RANGE: D#3~G#4 [A#3]
[Neutral VB that contains a lot of background noises so if you really are the type to be irked regarding the quality, don't download it. This VB uses the [No Nonsense JP reclist by Suyeon] so extra words will have to be done by hand to edit certain words or find a similar wording.]
[Note: Please use SORROW append if you're not interested in the background noises interrupting the vocals.]
RANGE: G3~C#5 [D#4]
[Deep toned VB that uses the [No Nonsense JP reclist by Suyeon] so extra words will have to be done by hand to edit certain words or find a similar wording. Certain recordings are specialised to this voicebank (e.g. a い, o お) will have odd/broken stops when cross fading each word.]
[EL3CT0 can be seen a separate character however because of their tone being almost similar to WH1SH-P3R, the voicebank is released under their name so you either use WH1SH-P3R EL3CT0 (if you attempt to make the VB sound like them) or just EL3CT0.]
All VBs in this series uses a 8-mora reclist that includes glottal stops, extra words for English singing and a breath in (however breath aliases may vary from each bank upon release). The series mainly run on monopitches of experimental recordings of the voicer upon limitations.
RANGE: A#2~A4 [A3]
[Whisper VB within the feminine and androgynous range. Does suffer from glitches and errors when the note plays too long so please substitute with attached phonemes (e.g. a, e, o, u, i).]
(This bank has been used with moresampler for the oto.ini so some of the oto.ini may have errors and so please adjust accordingly.)
RANGE: G2~F#4 [A3]
[Neutral VB that runs in an androgynous range. Basically the 2.0. of B1N4RY without the background noise issue. This bank can fuse along with two other banks (MALAY and ENGLISH) for hybrid singing.]
RANGE: G#3~D5 [D#4]
[Power VB that runs in an androgynous range. Due to the condition of the voicer's limit, this bank is considered the fusion between EL3CT0 and SORROW.]
RANGE: C3~F4 [G#3]
"A bank that specifically runs under Spoon's Alpha Malay's reclist. This is to utilise general Malay standards for any Malay oriented language from Standard Malay or from Malaysia, Brunei and Indonesia's standard of Malay language speaking. This bank includes: Arabic phenomes and Japanese rolled 'r's ."
RANGE: D3~B4 [B3]
"A bank that runs with winterdrivE's KR reclist. This bank is to be utilised under Korean speech however, do note that British accents can be heard in this bank as it's the voice provider's speech accent."
(ENGLISH BANK) currently in BETA release
RANGE: F2~G4 [F#3]
[NOTE: this version of the voicebank is in BETA. this voicebank may contain mispronunciations, errors, background noise and lack of completed oto.ini. the completed version may have better clean up.]
"A bank that uses CZ's VCCV CORE American reclist that allows American English to be used. The voicer is not American accented and runs on a British accent so some of the syllables feel oddly forced when pronounced. Some of the end pronunciations are not prominent from recording."
Important Note: wav. , freq. and oto.ini are available for all voicebanks upon downloading. Only EL3CT0 does not have Hiragana/Katakana filenames when recording and all are written in Romaji.
Terms of Use
R-18 Content Allowed? Permission Not Required
Commercial Use of Voicebank Allowed? Permission Required
Commercial Use of Character Allowed? Permission Required
Do these terms apply to derivative characters/voices? Derivatives of any sort are forbidden
[* Click here to view the terms of use for this UTAU.]
[* Click here to view commercial license info for this UTAU.]
Voice Sample(s)
Character Details
Height: 149cm
Weight: 37kg
Name Interpretation | WH1SH-P3R : 'Whisper' misspelled
"It was intentional by the creator as well as a pun due to the first CV voicebank mostly breathy."
Type | FURloid/ANIMAloid
"Due to their anthropomorphic appearance, they are classified as a FURloid due to what the creator interprets them as a rabbit-like doll however noted that the doll is being possessed by demonic creatures. It is either considered as either one of the type categories or both in that sense."
Personality + Description |
"It is up to the users who uses it can create their own personality and story for them.
However the banks have their own set of genders that are confirmed. The original CV and RYN1T3 append are female gendered banks, MALE append is male gendered and B1N4RY, CHINESE, AGONY with EL3CT0 are androgynous banks.
The author confirmed they are non-binary due to the author's gender for that reason however it's still up to interpretation.
The original and MALE CV voicebank's story originally is settled as a painters however most information in those voicebanks are now outdated since 2022 which you can disregard it."
Alternative Form | Television Head Demon
"A fused demon from three other demons making a hybrid voice that is not recognisable with a harsh voice and unpredictable personality. This form only appears if they are not using the vessel, 'WH1SH-P3R'."
Relations |
Demons - CH31-L1N, R3D-R3AP3R & H4N5 = EL3CT0 (if fused)
Image Album | https://ibb.co/album/8bsGzK
[In case of requiring any of their images, they are stored in this area and they are always open for public. Keep in mind by using these images, you are to be crediting with respect.]