Western Name: Vladislav Kajdar
Eastern Name:
Kana Pronunciation:
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Release Date: July 14, 2015
Group/Team: Fractured hope co.
Technical Details
Voiced by: Il'ya Lyudoyed
Managed by: Sabishi-i

Voicebank Distribution
All voicabanks available here: https://fractured-hope-co.weebly.com/vladislav-kajdar.html
Terms of Use
R-18 Content Allowed? Permission Required
Commercial Use of Voicebank Allowed? Permission Required
Commercial Use of Character Allowed? Permission Required
Do these terms apply to derivative characters/voices? Derivatives of any sort are forbidden
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Voice Sample(s)
Character Details
Height: 177cm
Weight: 67kg
Race - human; Gender - male; Age - 18; Height - 177 cm; weight - 67 kg; Location - red/green part.
Likes: science fiction books, warhammer 40k, weapons, smart girls
Dislikes: dreariness, betrayal
Personality: Vlad is the man from postapocalyptic world. He likes science fiction and other books on the other worlds of the future (and collecting the rests of them is his hobbie). Well versed in the types of weapons. Also he's a good marksman, who is interested in military technology from the perspective of an engineer. (He's able to repair any machine in the field with the help of adhesive tape and praying to Omnissiah.) He doesn't like to talk about his the purposes and desires. He can be both leader and subordinate. He doesn't care about it. Balanced, able to think sensibly in any non-standard situations and improvise. Probably he has problems with the musculoskeletal system. Also, it is possible that some parts of the body are replaced by augmetica.
Personal lore: In his real world he is part of camp tinsmiths "white fork", who escaped from the wasteland on war-torn world and beloved son of their "mother", Meredith. She taught him how to survive in such world and how to be useful to friends (and how to use their abilities, if situation requires it). In his dreams he is a dreamer of red part of Shado due to his alter-ego. He loathes such dreams when it appears, but only his alter-ego can bring him to raiders and Sabishii, his guide shadromancer. In other way he appears in green part of Shado, and spend all dream in Dareka's pub. He long time lived with raiders and helped them to create weapons to fight against ghouls. One dream he met here his girlfriend (Abby Paranoid), but she was attacked by ghoul and almost died. Vlad tried to save her without consul's help, 'cause he knew, that reviving as shedromancer will kill her in real world. But even if he sucseed with creating mechanical body for her, she fell in coma in real world and began to lose her memories in Shado. Also Vlad noticed that Abby made Sabishii very nervous, and finally he decided to end her suffering and switched offmechanisms of her mechanical body. But it was too late - Sabishii in despair was attacked by Abel and brought to Black Tower by Nikolas. This event killed all positive feelings in Vladislav, and he decided that he must win this his own war and save at least Sabishii. Now he does huge searching work in Shado.