Western Name: Valkyrie Vindray
Eastern Name:
Kana Pronunciation: ヴァルキリー・ヴィンドレイ
Gender: Male
Age: 16
Release Date: April 14., 2016
Technical Details
Voiced by: TVB
Managed by: TVB
Voicebank Distribution
Hiragana DL: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1Zmu8qwfpvV_wyjlVEpeGUWRRl5dBH1EE
Romaji DL: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B-nT-gHgMP0YRzVDWG1LNmxfZzg
Monopitch cv, kana and romaji. Quite soft and light voice.
Monopitch vcv, kana and romaji. Much more powerful than base and suits higher pitched songs.
Tripitch cv, romaji. Pretty neutral.
Tripitch cv, romaji. Provides a much more different feeling than -LILY- but is far more unstable in the middle range.
Monopitch cv, kana and romaji. Whispery and calm voice.
Multipitch cv, romaji. An abomination of -LILY-, -BLOODFLOWER- and -BUD-, combining the best elements of each bank into one, 7 pitched monstrosity.
Multipitch VCV, hiragana. Vocal tone similar to Hatsune Miku Dark append.
Multipitch VCV, hiragana. Soft, whispery bank with a somber tone.
ALL VOICE BANKS AND MORE INFORMATION CAN BE FOUND HERE: http://renxreality.blogspot.fi/p/voicebanks.html
Terms of Use
R-18 Content Allowed? Permission Not Required
Commercial Use of Voicebank Allowed? Permission Required
Commercial Use of Character Allowed? Permission Required
Do these terms apply to derivative characters/voices? Yes, but derivatives must be created with permission
[* Click here to view the terms of use for this UTAU.]
[* Click here to view commercial license info for this UTAU.]
Voice Sample(s)
Character Details
Height: 150 cm
Weight: 55 kg
Nature: Outgoing, sometimes hyper even. He loves everything and everyone, despite his origin… Except his big brother. Valkyrie hates him with all his might.
Valkyrie's secret wish is to be as abused as Len.
Appearance: Pitch black hair, pink eyes with white pupils. There are multiple tubes coming out of his chest and carrying blood all over his body as a part of his circulatory system.