Tora Kanaka
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Image by melobuniiP

Western Name: Tora Kanaka
Eastern Name: 金歌トラ
Kana Pronunciation: かなか・とら

Gender: NyanBinary
Age: 7 in human years, 40 in cat years

Release Date: March 10, 2013

Official Site

Technical Details

Voiced by: melobuniiP
Managed by: melobuniiP

encode1.png alias1.png config0.png

Voicebank Distribution

March 10, 2019
Kanaka Tora VCV
Hiragana encoded
Use Moresampler or Resampler+Wavtool4vcv

March 13, 2014
Kanaka Tora CV 2
Kanaka Tora's CV 2 voicebank.
This voicebank is her second recorded CV voicebank.
Use Resampler, and wavtool.exe. Sounds clear, and bit
choppy, but useable.

January 1, 2014
Kanaka Tora WINTER CV
Kanaka Tora's WINTER voicebank.
This voicebank is her append recorded CV voicebank.
Use TIPs, and wavtool.exe. Sounds soft, and bit choppy

March 24, 2013
Kanaka Tora 1.2 CV
Kanaka Tora's 1.2 voicebank.
This voicebank is her second recorded CV voicebank.
Use Resampler, and wavtool.exe. Sounds clear, odd, and bit choppy,
but useable.

Please read her T.O.S on her website.

The guidelines and terms of use in this file is provided for users of the UTAU Vocals distributed on
"Kanaka Tora", or by the manager of these vocals, Melobunii/Buniicake(s). To use the Vocals in any
form or medium, you must agree to this license.

Terms of Use

R-18 Content Allowed? Forbidden
Commercial Use of Voicebank Allowed? Forbidden
Commercial Use of Character Allowed? Forbidden
Do these terms apply to derivative characters/voices? Derivatives of any sort are forbidden
Click here to view the terms of use for this UTAU.
Click here to view commercial license info for this UTAU.

Voice Sample(s)

Character Details

Height: 4'8" feet (142 cm)

Weight: unknown

Tora is a creative, imaginative girl who dreamt to be an idol! She’s outgoing, likes to party, smoke weed, having so much fun!
AGE: 20
​Type: NYA99
Gender: Nyan-Binary
Kanaka Tora’s name means Golden Ringed Tiger. In Kanji it is: 金歌トラ. She dreamt to be an idol when she was a child. One day, she had a good gig at a place, and it just so happened to have an agent for a record company watching. She comes in and talked to Tora and she said “YES!”. She signs up and now she sings for everyone!

Likes: Hibiscus Tea, Cats, Singing
​Dislikes: Vegetable, Being told what to do, Dogs

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Image by melobuniiP

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Image by melobuniiP

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Image by melobuniiP

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