Tomi Chaston
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Image Unavailable

Image by UpTown-P

Western Name: Tomi Chaston
Eastern Name: 榎本トミ
Kana Pronunciation: エノモトトミ

Gender: Male
Age: 23

Release Date: June 20, 2021
Group/Team: FNV/金曜日の夜 (For this version)

Official Site

Technical Details

Voiced by: UpTown-P
Managed by: UpTown-P

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Voicebank Distribution

For character information and voicebanks related/produced by VoiceFace, please visit here. All voice databases produced by VoiceFace will not be listed on this page.

Tomis androgynous voice and variety in tone makes his voice able to fit a wide variety of genres, he has a vague Scottish accent. He is able to fit into various genres of rock, pop, heavy metal & indie.

Some databases may be exclusively distributed on the VoiceFace website and not the FNV website.


  • 「 MINI CV 」

1 pitch CV with a neutral and androgynous tone.
It is encoded in hiragana, and has hiragana aliases. It can only read hiragana (CV only)
Recommended configuration settings (Resampler, wavtool, rendering options ect.)

» Engine/resampler: doppelter32/TIPS
» Wavtool: simple/wavtool
» Rendering options: Y0H0B0C99
MINI_CV Download 1.1


1 pitch CVVC with a tired and low tone with fairly moe pronunciation.
It is encoded in Romaji, and has hiragana aliases. It can only read hiragana (CV/CVVC only)
Recommended configuration settings (Resampler, wavtool, rendering options ect.)

» Engine/resampler: doppelter32/TIPS/model4
» Wavtool: wavtool-yaru/simple
» Rendering options: Y0H0B0C99
JP_CVVC Download 1.1


Multi-expression CVVC, includes base CVVC and COLD_CVVC + POWER CVVC which are both 3 pitches. This database is utilized specifically for OpenUTAU, but can be used in the OG program with a challenge.
It is encoded in Romaji, and has hiragana aliases. It can only read hiragana (CV/CVVC only)
Recommended configuration settings (Resampler, wavtool, rendering options ect.)

» Engine/resampler: doppelter32/TIPS/model4
» Wavtool: wavtool-yaru/simple
» Rendering options: Y0H0B0C99
COALESENCE Download 1.1


6 pitch CVVC powerscale meant to fit masculine ranges with a whole octave to help stability witin the voice. It features an extra C5 falsetto in addition to an emotional addition that is utilised to give the voice a more sombre and emotive tone. It is suitable for indie, rock, heavy metal, pop and techno-rock.
It is encoded in hiragana, and has hiragana aliases. It can only read hiragana (CV/CVVC only)
Recommended configuration settings (Resampler, wavtool, rendering options, ect.)

» Engine/resampler: TIPS/doppelter
» Wavtool: wavtool/simple
» Rendering options: Y0H0B0C99g+6
→ In production.


A single pitch ARPASING English voicebank with a vague Irish/Scottish accent with a French twang. It is configured by dead_byte.
It is encoded in ARPASING, it cannot read USTs that use the VCCV ENG or CVVC ENG.

Recommended configuration settings (Resampler, wavtool, rendering options ect.)
» Engine/resampler: tn_fnds_PB/Moresampler
» Wavtool: simple
» Rendering options: eoMb-100A7
→ In production.


A single-pitch CVV Chinese database recorded at D#4 with a tone similar to the VCCV English voicebank. There was an attempt at a Beijing accent; however, it may be poor. It is configured by ryan-kun
Recommended configuration settings (Resampler, wavtool, rendering options, ect.)

» Engine/resampler: TIPS/moresampler
» Wavtool: wavtool2
» Rendering options: Y0H0B0C99
→ In production.

  • 「 ESP CV-C 」

A single-pitch CV-C Spanish database, the accent is a combination of multiple regional accents.
Recommended configuration settings (Resampler, wavtool, rendering options, ect.)

» Engine/resampler: ?
» Wavtool: ?
» Rendering options: ?
→ In production.



2 pitch CVVC with a weak and dry tone that is fairly accented. Since it was a test voice, it lacks vocal fries and breath samples, the configuration is rough too.
It is encoded in romaji, and has hiragana aliases. It can only read hiragana (CV/CVVC only)
Recommended configuration settings (Resampler, wavtool, rendering options, ect.)

» Engine/resampler: doppelter/tn_fnds
» Wavtool: wavtool
» Rendering options: Y0H0B0C99
IREFUL Download 1.0


3 pitch CVVC with a airy and delicate tone that is fairly accented.
It is encoded in hiragana, and has hiragana aliases. It can only read hiragana (CV/CVVC only)
Recommended configuration settings (Resampler, wavtool, rendering options, ect.)

» Engine/resampler: doppelter/TIPS
» Wavtool: wavtool-yaru/simple
» Rendering options: Y0H0B0C99
COLD Download 1.0


3 pitch CVVC with a powerful and poppy tone. It is fairly feminine.
It is encoded in romaji, and has hiragana aliases. It can only read hiragana (CV/CVVC only)
Recommended configuration settings (Resampler, wavtool, rendering options, ect.)

» Engine/resampler: TIPS/model4
» Wavtool: wavtool-yaru/simple
» Rendering options: Y0H0B0C99
POWER Download 1.0


1 pitch CVVC that was made for screamo.
It is encoded in romaji, and has hiragana aliases. It can only read hiragana (CV/CVVC only)
Recommended configuration settings (Resampler, wavtool, rendering options, ect.)

» Engine/resampler: TIPS/model4
» Wavtool: wavtool-yaru/simple
» Rendering options: Y0H0B0C99
SKULL Download 1.0

A majority of Tomis old voicebanks (made from 2021–2022) have been unlisted from the website as they are considered outdated and have information in them that is no longer relevant to his current character, additionally, they will also not be receiving updates due to all previous information mentioned. Reuploading or redistributing these voicebanks & files within them is OK as long as they are considered discontinued or inactive (i.e. the voicebank download link going down)

Terms of Use

R-18 Content Allowed? Permission Not Required
Commercial Use of Voicebank Allowed? Permission Not Required
Commercial Use of Character Allowed? Permission Required
Do these terms apply to derivative characters/voices? Derivatives of any sort are forbidden
Click here to view the terms of use for this UTAU.
[* Click here to view commercial license info for this UTAU.]

Voice Sample(s)

Character Details

Height: 160cm

Weight: 85lbs

Previous affiliations and history.

Based on the popular game, Friday Night Funkin, Tomi's origins come from a project called Friday Nighters (Verse)/FNV/FNer. It was made in 2021 as a collaborative effort by a friend group, with many characters corresponding to each individual within the group. FNers was fully disbanded as of early 2022; however, two of the main creators still actively use their respective characters frequently.

In late October 2022, Tomi found a place in a small-scale vocal synthesis collective project called VoiceFace. Tomi still has a place in FNV but is now under the partial ownership of VoiceFace (with collaborative efforts from FNV and UpTown-P).

In the summer of 2023, a reboot of FNV occurred, and the revival of the project has resumed, now also going under the alternative name "金曜日の夜/KYNY," which is what led the VoiceFace and FNV versions to become separate entities.

As of recent, his design was said to take inspiration from various vocal synth characters like Sakebi Chan, MEIKA Mikoto and Tohoku Kiritan.

Personality and bio

Tomi is a lacky and world-class hacker in a trio of criminals with no goal in mind other than to terrorise the public. Despite clashing with his leader, Springy, Tomi often assists him in cleaning up after his antics.

He used to be rather introverted and observant, however in recent times has become more outspoken and vocal about his opinions despite his lack of outward emotion. He can get rather snappy due to his bad sleeping habits and intense mood swings. He is easily irritated or agitated over little things as a side affect of Springy and Jocas antics. He is almost always quiet unless irritated or feels deeply about certain topics.

Tomi's item is his laptop, which he uses to breach government security as well as erase any sensitive data that has been acquired on Springy and Joca. He is constantly glued to his laptop and is always occupying himself with it.

Tomi struggles with his mental and physical health and deals with chronic pain due to having an inorganic body. He tends to have very intense migraines that are induced by having complex PTSD.

Under extreme stress and negative emotions, Tomi experiences an intense adrenaline rush that produces nose bleeds caused by his elevated blood pressure and can usually inflict severe physical damage when in this state, but it also causes him to be temporarily paralysed and fatigued for up to three days afterwards.


  • Joca - Co-worker, closest & best friend.

Even though Springy's influence on Joca had caused somewhat of a clash between their relationship early on, Tomi still regards Joca as a close friend. Their hobbies and moods often influence one another.

Tomi & Springy's relationship is complex. They are constantly seen bickering which is almost always brought on by Springy and his schemes. Despite the annoyance, Tomi is always respectable towards his boss, and always aids in his cover-ups when needed.

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Image by UpTown-P

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Image by UpTown-P

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Image by UpTown-P

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Image by UpTown-P

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Image by UpTown-P

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