Taro Macounne
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Image by macnsneez3

Western Name: Taro Macounne
Eastern Name: マクーン音タロ
Kana Pronunciation: まくーんねたろ

Gender: Trans Man(He/Him)
Age: 19

Release Date: November 8, 2020
Group/Team: PrismaTune

Official Site

Technical Details

Voiced by: macnsneez3
Managed by: macnsneez3

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Voicebank Distribution

This UTAU is pitched up similarly to Teto Kasane, so there may be occasional quality discrepancies.

Pro 3 Pitch Rentan JPN CV+VV || NEUTRAL - D3, G3, C4
Taro's core voicebank. Not too soft, not too strong. Perfect for beginners and veterans alike.


S 4 Pitch Rentan JPN CV+VV || SOFT - D3, G3, C4, F4(falsetto)
A weaker voice with a little bit of stamina.


P 4 Pitch Rentan JPN CV+VV || POWER - D3, G3, C4, F4(belt)
A strong vocal with lots of character, great for something with a little kick.


XDR 4 Pitch Rentan JPN CV+VV || MULTIEXPRESSION - D3(s/c/p), G3(s/c/p), C4(s/c/p), F4(belt, falsetto)
Everything in your wildest dreams. A complete package of all of Taro's Japanese voicebanks.




Terms of Use

R-18 Content Allowed? Permission Not Required
Commercial Use of Voicebank Allowed? Permission Required
Commercial Use of Character Allowed? Permission Required
Do these terms apply to derivative characters/voices? Derivatives of any sort are forbidden
Click here to view the terms of use for this UTAU.
[* Click here to view commercial license info for this UTAU.]

Voice Sample(s)

Character Details

Height: 5'4"

Weight: 130 lbs

Taro is a loud and carefree youth, and often doesn't think before he speaks, leaving a rude impression on those who don't know him. His heart is his biggest and arguably best quality, though that doesn't stop him from getting into all sorts of trouble. He is the drummer in a Pastel-themed Rock band called "FreakPie", and is also dating fellow band-mate Mion Macounne. Much to her dismay, Taro is very out-spoken about their relationship and brags about her to others constantly.

His name "マクーン音" is an amalgamation of different things, being Macoun, a variety of Apple, and "ne" meaning "sound", making his name a kind of play-on-words to resemble Macne Nana's VOCALOID iteration, マクネ. Taro is a common Japanese name typically meaning "eldest son".

Taro's design is based on Apple's Macintosh Pro 2019, The Pro Stand and Pro Wheels. Additionally his spikey hair, headband and brash attitude are meant to resemble Naruto Uzumaki.

As Taro is trans,"genderbends" or feminine reimaginings are prohibited.

Related UTAU

Mion Macounne
Sukio Machi
Mana Makgune

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Image by macnsneez3

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