Western Name: Sukio Machi
Eastern Name: マチスキオ
Kana Pronunciation: まち・すきお
Gender: Female
Age: ∑n=0∞((−54)n(4π2)12+nπ3(2n+1)!+108π−2(n+1)2)=?
Release Date: July 24, 2012
Group/Team: WHOOΠΔ
Technical Details
Voiced by: MiliKuuki
Managed by: MiliKuuki

Voicebank Distribution
ROSEGOLD 5 pitch 8 mora JPN VCV || POWERSCALE - A3, C4, F4, A4, C5
Sukio's core voicebank rises from a low whisper to a harsh yell with each pitch. Perfect for various genres depending on how you use her, Sukio is your go-to for pop, rock, and even EDM!
GOLD 3 pitch 8 mora JPN VCV || SWEET - C4, F4, C5(falsetto)
A cutesy-type voicebank, meant to recreate the tone of her very first CV bank from 2012. Best suited for ballad, acoustic, or kawaii future bass.
SPACEGRAY 3 pitch 8 mora JPN VCV || SOFT - C4, F4, C5(falsetto) NEW!!
A calmer, darker vocal for Sukio. Included in this new library are Vocal Fry samples to further extend Sukio's expressiveness, which can also be used with ROSEGOLD(C4/F4 only).
PRIVATE DL ONLY; Contact MiliKuuki
2012 ACT1 CV
2012 ACT2 CV
2013 ACT2.5 CV
2013 ACT3 CV
2014 VCV lite
2015 tripitch VCV lite
2019 GOLD tripitch VCV 1.0(unreleased)
Terms of Use
R-18 Content Allowed? Permission Not Required
Commercial Use of Voicebank Allowed? Permission Required
Commercial Use of Character Allowed? Permission Required
Do these terms apply to derivative characters/voices? Derivatives of any sort are forbidden
Voice Sample(s)
Character Details
Height: 5'4" (162.56 cm)
Weight: 6.07 oz
Sukio is an optimistic girl and tries to look on the bright side of things in bad situations. She has a leader-like personality and is never afraid to take risks. She's determined, a hard worker, and is always there whenever her friends are feeling down.
Strawberry-flavored snacks, strawberry milk, and Apple products
Being yelled at, broken Apple chargers, low battery, and cracked screens.
Mana Makgune (Best Friend)
Ezekiel (Best Friend)
Juno Machi (Cousin)
Jio Machi (Cousin)
Kaoru (Onii-chan)
Itri (Pet)
Nana Macne (Idol)
Coco Macne (Idol)