Western Name: Shei
Eastern Name: 谁
Kana Pronunciation: シェー
Gender: Agender
Age: 19
Release Date: July 22, 2018
Group/Team: Fuseloids
Technical Details
Voiced by: VersaillesGhost
Managed by: TeionLeeIRL

Voicebank Distribution
Shei GARTER: 15 pitch (7 core, 3 power, 3 soft, 1 falsetto) multiexpression JP VCV voicebank. The most beginner-friendly voicebank. [MXL V67G]
Shei STOCKING: 4 pitch JP/ENG CVVC voicebank using Number Bronze Ganga's reclist. More powerful than satin. Not recommended for beginners. [Blue Yeti Nano]
shei_lace REPRISE: 14 pitch (4 core, 4 power, 4 soft, 2 falsetto) JP CVVC voicebank with a lot of extra English samples. Recommended voicebank. [Blue Yeti Nano]
shei_satin 1.1: 4 pitch CVVC ENG voicebank using Nebula Meadow's reclist for Peyton Macaron. Has X-Sampa and Arpabet aliases. [Blue Yeti Nano]
shei_velvet: 4 pitch VCV meant to sound like native iterations before GARTER, like LUCKY STRIKE, without compromised audio quality. Last and final Shei to be recorded. May have issues. Ending notes represented with - [Blue Snowball]
shei_blanc: 4 pitch CVVC JP gentle voicebank. Has a tone to match that of the UTAU Saturn. [Blue Yeti Nano]
shei_rouge: 6 pitch CVVC JP power voicebank. Hard to use. More suited for songs with very high ranges. [MXL 990]
shei_rosa: 4 pitch VCV JP soft voicebank. Has a lot of bg noise. [MXL 990]
shei_canus: 4 pitch CVVC JP mature voicebank. [MXL V67G]
shei_noir: 5 pitch VCV JP mature soft voicebank. [MXL V67G]
shei_lila: 8 pitch CV-VV JP light voicebank with the best recording range of any Shei voicebank recorded. [Blue Yeti Nano]
shei_scarlet: 6 pitch CV-VV JP masculine power voicebank. Notoriously hard to use. [MXL 990]
shei_violet: 3 pitch VCV JP sweet voicebank. [MXL V67G]
shei_periwinkle: 3 pitch VCV JP sweet soft voicebank. [Blue Yeti Nano]
shei_indigo: 3 pitch CVVC JP soft voicebank with a stylized accent. [Blue Yeti Nano]
Terms of Use
R-18 Content Allowed? Permission Not Required
Commercial Use of Voicebank Allowed? Permission Not Required
Commercial Use of Character Allowed? Permission Not Required
Do these terms apply to derivative characters/voices? Derivatives of any sort are forbidden
[* Click here to view the terms of use for this UTAU.]
[* Click here to view commercial license info for this UTAU.]
Voice Sample(s)
Character Details
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 129 lbs
Shei is a very quick-witted, laid back person. Arguing with them isn't a good idea. They'll win. Very sarcastic and self-centered, Shei isn't the easiest to get along with. They're a very naturally flirtatious person with promiscuous tendencies. Don't fall in love, it won't be reciprocated.