Sal Shione
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Image by 塩分 (Salinity)

Western Name: Sal Shione
Eastern Name: 塩音ソル
Kana Pronunciation: しおねそる

Gender: Male
Age: 17

Release Date: May 17, 2010

Official Site

Technical Details

Voiced by: 塩分 (Salinity)
Managed by: 塩分 (Salinity)

encode1.png alias0.png config0.png

Voicebank Distribution

The password to access each voicebank is saltpan.

LATEST: 塩音ソル_霞

連続音ソル_連続音_V3: Google Drive
A powerscale VCV bank recorded at C3, F3, G#3, C4, D4, F4, A4, with a falsetto pitch at C5.

連続音ソル_etude: Google Drive
A VCV bank recorded at C3, D#3, F3, G#3, C4, F4, with a soft pitch at G#4, and additional falsetto pitches at C4, F4, and G#4.

塩音ソル_root: Google Drive
A strong VCV bank recorded at D#3, F#3, G#3, A#3 and D#4.

塩音ソル_solid_V2: Google Drive
A Strong VCV bank recorded at E3, G#3, C4, F4, A4 and C#5, with a additional soft pitch at C#5.

塩音ソル_actor: Google Drive
A VCV bank recorded at C3, D3, F3, G#3, F4, G#4, A#4, with additional weak pitches at G#3, C4, F4, and G#4, and a falsetto pitch at C5.

塩音ソル_fang: Google Drive
A brisk VCV bank recorded at E3, G#3, C4, F4, and G#4, with a rough pitch at C4 and a normal pitch at G#3.

塩音ソル_盈: Google Drive
A VCV bank recorded at D3, G3, B3, D#4, and G4.

塩音ソル_ROCK_V2: Google Drive
A powerful VCV bank recorded at E3, G#3, C4, F#4, and G#4, with an additional falsetto pitch at F#4.

塩音ソル_virus: Google Drive
A strong VCV bank recorded at D3, F3, G#3, C4, F4, and G#4, with a falsetto pitch at D4.

塩音ソル_explosion: Firestorage
A powerful CVVC+VCV bank recorded at F3, G#3, C4, F4, G#4, C5, and E5.

塩音ソル_楸: Google Drive
A VCV recorded at D3, F3, G#3, C4, D4, F4, F#4, and G#4. Recorded with a unique delivery.

塩音ソル_連呼式CVVC: Firestorage
A CVVC bank recorded at A3, A#3, C4, D4, D#4, and F4.

塩音ソル_hidefang: Google Drive
A calm VCV bank recorded at E3, G#3, C4, F4 and G#4.

連続音ソル_柳: Firestorage
A VCV bank recorded at F3, G#3, C4, and F4, with an additional strong pitch at G#3.

塩音ソル_華摘: Firestorage
A nasal-sounding VCV bank recorded at C#3, E3, G#3, and C4.

塩音ソル_veil: Google Drive
A slurred VCV bank recorded at D3, F3, G#3, C4, F4, and G#4.

連続音ソル_亨: Google Drive
A bright VCV bank recorded at E3, G#3, C4, F4, with a falsetto pitch at G#4.

塩音ソル_和: Firestorage
An energetic VCV bank recorded at F3, G#3, C4, and F4.

塩音ソル_朗: Firestorage
An energetic VCV bank recorded at C4.

塩音ソル_菫: Google Drive
A calm VCV bank recorded at F3, G#3, C4, and F4, with a falsetto pitch at G#4, and two soft pitches at C4 and F4.

連続音ソル_薫: Firestorage
A relaxed CVVC bank recorded at E3, G#3, C4, and F4, with a falsetto pitch at A4.

連続音ソル_単独音_2018: Firestorage
A CV bank recorded at F3, G#3, C4, F4, with a falsetto pitch at G#4.

連続音ソル_弛: Google Drive
A smooth VCV bank recorded at E3, G#3, C4, F4, and G#4.

塩音ソル_朧: Google Drive
A soft VCV bank recorded at B2,D3,F3,G#3,C4,F4 and G#4, with additional weaker pitches at C4, F4 and G#4.

塩音ソル_whitefang: Google Drive
A soft VCV bank recorded at E3, G#3, C4, F4, G#4, and B4.

塩音ソル_ephemeral: Google Drive
A very soft VCV bank recorded at C3, F3, G#3, C4, F4, and G#4.

塩音ソル_virus_soft: Firestorage
A weak VCV bank recorded at E3, A3, and D4.

塩音ソル_pray: Firestorage
A weak VCV bank recorded at F3, A3 and D4.

塩音ソル_gentle: Firestorage
A weak CVVC bank recorded at D3, G3, C4, and F4.

塩音ソル_霞: Google Drive
A breathy, childish sounding VCV recorded at A3, D4, G4, B4, and E5.

塩音ソル_catwalk: Google Drive
A weak VCV recorded at D#3, F#3, and A3.

塩音ソル_soiree: Google Drive
A gently uttered VCV recorded at D3, F3, G#3, C4, F4, and G4. Comes with a lot of breath components.

連続音ソル_連続音_V3追加パック: Google Drive
A VCV bank with a weak pitch at F3, rough pitches at C4, F4, and A4, and an additional bright pitch at A4.

塩音ソル_CHARGE: Firestorage
A solid and paused VCV bank recorded at F3, G#4, C4 and F4.

塩音ソル_裏声D5: Firestorage
A falsetto VCV bank recorded at D5. The author recommends combining use of this bank with another.

塩音ソル_ひそひそ連続音: Firestorage
A whisper VCV. The author recommends combining use of this bank with another.

塩音ソル_喚声点音源: Firestorage
A VCV bank that switches between the C4 and A4 pitches.

塩音ソル_エッジCVVC: Firestorage
A VCV bank containing vocal fry samples recorded at G#3. The author recommends combining use of this bank with another.

塩音ソル_エッジCVVC_V2: Google Drive
A VCV bank containing vocal fry samples recorded at F3, G#3, and C4. The author recommends combining use of this bank with another.

塩音ソル_荒: Firestorage
A hoarse-sounding VCV bank recorded at D4. The author recommends combining use of this bank with another.

塩音ソル_訛: Google Drive
An accented CVVC+VCV bank recorded at D3, F3, G#3, C4, F4, and G#4, with a falsetto pitch at G4. Works well with English.

塩音ソル_がなりCVVC: Firestorage
A growling CVVC bank recorded at F4 and A4. The author recommends combining use of this bank with another.

塩音ソル_ひそひそ音源: Google Drive
A set of screamo/breathy samples.

塩音ソル_追加語尾セット: Google Drive
An extra set of expressive samples.

連続音_連続音_V3 Full Set: Google Drive
A set consisting of the 連続音_V3 and 連続音_V3_追加パック banks.

塩音ソル_slashfang: Google Drive
A VCV bank that combines the whitefang and fang banks.

Terms of Use

R-18 Content Allowed? Permission Not Required
Commercial Use of Voicebank Allowed? Permission Required
Commercial Use of Character Allowed? Permission Required
Do these terms apply to derivative characters/voices? Yes, but derivatives must be created with permission
Click here to view the terms of use for this UTAU.
[* Click here to view commercial license info for this UTAU.]

Voice Sample(s)

Character Details

Height: 177cm

Weight: 62kg

Birthday: May 17th

Favorite food: Salty food, dark chocolate

Dislikes: Fresh cream

Mellow. Sal dreams of hanging out with a cat and enjoying green tea. His sister is Lt. Although, they're not exactly siblings; it's more like their existence derives from the same program.
If you combine their names, Sal and Lt form the word 'salt'.

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Image by 塩分 (Salinity)

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Image by 塩分 (Salinity)

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Image by 塩分 (Salinity)

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Image by 塩分 (Salinity)

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Image by 塩分 (Salinity)

Unless otherwise stated, the content of this page is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 License