Western Name: Ruo Senkashi
Eastern Name: 茜歌詞ルオ
Kana Pronunciation: せんかし ルオ
Gender: ♁ (NB)
Age: 25
Release Date: April 12, 2017
Group/Team: OFUOloids
Technical Details
Voiced by: undue_odium
Managed by: undue_odium
Voicebank Distribution
★ (Latest) 茜歌詞ルオ.v4 FATE ★
A solid-tone multi-pitch VCV/CVVC (A3 / C4 / D#4 / G4), with multi-expression in all pitches (power [P] / soft [S] / nasal [2]), dual-pitch vocal fry (C4 ['] / F3 [L]), breath samples [吸, 息, 息吸], and glottal stops [・]
DL; https://tinyurl.com/ruov4 (originally private, contains incomplete oto.ini)
- This Messed-Up Wonderful World Exists For Me: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oYbopXRMuIk
- ゴーストルール (Ghost Rule): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N12I-WHoajc
- ドーナツホール (Donut Hole): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vo-uJSBvoWE
★ (2018) 茜歌詞ルオ*ENDURE ★
A solid-neutral multi-pitch VCV (A3 / C4 / E4 / G#4), with C5 falsetto, breath samples [吸, 息, 息吸], and glottal stops [・]
DL; https://tinyurl.com/ruov3ENDURE
- MEDLEY: https://soundcloud.com/gpstrikes/senkashi-ruo-endure-release
★ (2017) 茜歌詞ルオ_V2_CONTACT ★
A neutral tri-pitch VCV (G3 / D#4 / A4) with breath samples [吸, 息, 息吸], and glottal stops [・]
DL; https://tinyurl.com/ruov2CONTACT
- Soleil (ソレイユ): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ffY8qcJVQhs
★ (2017) 茜歌詞ルオ_V1_SOLEIL ★
neutral dualpitch VCV (D#4 / A4)
DL; Unavailable
茜歌詞ルオ English Arpasing Add-On
Single pitch that was recorded on request and almost completely untouched, but is still available for anyone who wants to mess around.
DL; https://tinyurl.com/ruoARPASING
茜歌詞ルオ Korean VCV Add-On
Single pitch that was recorded on request and almost completely untouched, but is still available for anyone who wants to mess around.
DL; https://tinyurl.com/ruoKORVCV
Terms of Use
R-18 Content Allowed? Permission Not Required
Commercial Use of Voicebank Allowed? Permission Required
Commercial Use of Character Allowed? Permission Required
Do these terms apply to derivative characters/voices? See Additional Terms of Use
Click here to view the terms of use for this UTAU.
[* Click here to view commercial license info for this UTAU.]
Voice Sample(s)
Character Details
Height: 170cm
Ruo is stubborn and somewhat hotheaded, however they are kind to those who are deserving of such.
茜歌詞ロロ // Senkashi Lolo ★ sister - http://utau.wikidot.com/utau:lolo-senkashi
神崎ウシラ // Kanzaki Ushira ★ friend - http://utau.wikidot.com/utau:ushira-kanzaki
See more art at: https://toyhou.se/3635744.senkashi-ruo/gallery