Western Name: Rokutenshi
Eastern Name: 六天使
Kana Pronunciation: ろくてんし
Gender: No gender but appears as male
Age: probably a lot
Release Date: October 31, 2017
[* Official Site]
Technical Details
Voiced by: TVB
Managed by: TVB

Voicebank Distribution
Bank download: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B-nT-gHgMP0YdDV4Smd4YnRWTTg
Young sounding male VCV bank.
Terms of Use
R-18 Content Allowed? Permission Not Required
Commercial Use of Voicebank Allowed? Permission Required
Commercial Use of Character Allowed? Permission Required
Do these terms apply to derivative characters/voices? Yes, but derivatives must be created with permission
[* Click here to view the terms of use for this UTAU.]
[* Click here to view commercial license info for this UTAU.]
Voice Sample(s)
Character Details
Height: smol
Weight: light as a feather
Rokutenshi, Roku for short, is an entity that feasts upon children's souls while they sleep and sends them off to the other side with terrible nightmares. Rokutenshi steals the voices of the children to say goodbye to the parents.
Likes: When extremely hungry, likes staring at their prey until the child falls asleep
Dislikes: Being called a fairy and baby sitting gigs
Refers to themselves as "onii-san" and their favorite things to say are "Onii-san will handle this!", "Yes, my diet consists of small children and diet coke" and "I eat Matsudappoiyos for breakfast".
The name 六天使 (Six Angels) comes from Roku being my 6th UTAU.