Western Name: Riki Sixton
Eastern Name: 六条力
Kana Pronunciation: ろくじょう・りき
Gender: Agender
Age: 18
Release Date: September 06, 2012
Group/Team: TIMELOID
Technical Details
Voiced by: SpanishPandaHero
Managed by: SpanishPandaHero

Voicebank Distribution
- (FINAL ACT) VCV + CV VC: https://mega.nz/#!TAZhWCCL!-q0EXSJWFdGbImrAMq-Thacz6pMWOHoeFJHj1LHMAgs
Mirror (mediafire): http://www.mediafire.com/download/xoxrra4b8urz2wk/Riki+Sixton+VCV+%2B+CV+VC+Japanese+%28FINAL%29.zip
This voicebank will be updated soon
Flags: F4C4L40Y0H0B0
Resampler: TIPS
Encoding: Romaji with hiragana and romaji alias
Voice Range: G2~F6 (B3)
Voice sample: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zQu-0GcKYVg
This voicebank contains some extra phonemes that can be used for english or spanish.
Terms of Use
R-18 Content Allowed? Forbidden
Commercial Use of Voicebank Allowed? Permission Required
Commercial Use of Character Allowed? Permission Required
Do these terms apply to derivative characters/voices? Yes, but derivatives must be created with permission
Click here to view the terms of use for this UTAU.
[* Click here to view commercial license info for this UTAU.]
Voice Sample(s)
Character Details
Height: 165 cm (5'5")
Weight: 62 Kg (136 lb)
Any pronoun is fine, but "They" is preferred.
They're cheerful and very hyperactive. Riki appears to be a perv only for disturb other people, but in fact they hate sex, they only do it for protect themself from the other people 'cause they think that they aren't tall and also that they're weak.
They are fragile and it's really easy hurting them emotionally. (But Riki never will tell this.)
They enjoy to draw a lot of attention to themself. They're a little bit masochistic.
Riki doesn't like to fight (they're pacifist) and isn't an organized person.
· Bugging people (Especially Yu Sevens)
· Flirting
· Being slapped
· Fashion
· Penguins
· Photography
· Transphobic people
· The people that play along with Riki when they're flirting.
· Sex
· Being ignored by Yu Sevens.
Photographic camera and peaches in syrup.
Spanish - Human
· They're one possible outcome if both (Koru Fivet and Kori Twelves) were just one person.
· They were model on some fashion magazines.
· Their voice can be use for both male range or female range (because their voice range allows it: A2-F6)
· They can play the guitar.
· One of their hobbies is taking landscape photos.
· They have height complex.
· Koru Fivet (A possible outcome if they were 2 separated persons.)
· Namine Ritsu (Idol.)
· Kori Twelves (A possible outcome if they were 2 separated persons.)
· Nairu Kyoukine (Friend)
· Ela Teino (Friend)
· Jack Yasashine (Friend)
· Yu Sevens (Fellow member from "The Chaotic Time" band.)
· Eita Eleven (Fellow member from "The Chaotic Time" band.)
· Haru Threet (Fellow member from "The Chaotic Time" band.)
[If I didn't add your UTAU character here (and you think Riki and your UTAU are friends or something) let me know so I can add them here! On the other hand, if you want me to delete your UTAU from this list, let me know too.]