Western Name: Masaki Reizei
Eastern Name: マサキ・レイゼイ
Kana Pronunciation: まさき・れいぜい
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Release Date: September 18, 2011
Group/Team: FURloid
Technical Details
Voiced by: Skiar
Managed by: Skiar

Voicebank Distribution
Masaki Reizei Act 1: Download
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R-18 Content Allowed? Permission Not Required
Commercial Use of Voicebank Allowed? Permission Required
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Do these terms apply to derivative characters/voices? Yes, but derivatives must be created with permission
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Voice Sample(s)
Character Details
Height: 5'4"
Weight: 85 lbs
Species: Dragon
Birthday: July 31st
Likes: Drawing, Music, Concept building, Company, Fruit
Dislikes: Conflict, Bugs, Anything horror related, Things he can’t understand, Being the center of attention, Feeling helpless, Fighting
Sexuality: Demisexual, male preference
Personality: Masaki is naturally timid, quiet and rather emotionally sensitive. Due to his strict upbringing he hasn’t really ventured out and experienced the world, because of this he’s rather clueless as to how the world works and is ever curious. He’s a rather patient and forgiving individual, just be careful which buttons you push, the quiet ones are always the most troubled. Masaki usually attempts to uphold an aloof more stoic facade with his daily interactions, burying his feelings in an attempt to keep himself out of trouble and distance from others. However inspired by a friend he’s slowly breaking out of his shell and beginning to open up…
One Major Trait: Perseverance/Tenacity, his "Never give up" attitude is one of the few things holding him together.
Major Fears: Being left behind/forgotten/discarded, Anything Undead/Horror related, Thunderstorms [Astraphobia]
OTHER NOTES: Regarding Masaki's gear tattoos, he has the half gears under both of his eyes. However the full cogwheel is exclusive to his left shoulder. Both of the half cogwheels under his eyes are 3 pronged, the full gear on his left shoulder is 6 pronged. His normal eye color is maroon. The green and purple is there for different reasons seen here.
RANDOM FACTS: He recieved his red scarf from a friend the day before he moved away 3 years ago, when he was 15. He's rather protective of it and can almost always be seen with it. The few times that he doesn't have it he's often times reverted back to being overly nervous/shy. It's a safety blanket for him and a reminder to stay strong, be brave and that he can change if he truly wants to. A reminder of who he wants to be and a momento of a important friend. Sometimes when it's really hot in the summer, sometimes he'll take his scarf and wear it as a belt. Due to the size of his wings Masaki cannot fly. It has however always been a childhood dream of his. He occasionally laments the fact that he can't do much other then flap them to cool off on a hot day. Masaki's own personal mottos are "Courage will give you wings to fly upon."
MEANINGFUL STUFF: The red of his scarf represents power, courage and even [internal] war. It is a security blanket for him as well as a symbol of what he wishes to become. Bravery will see his growth through and help him remain strong. The white tips of his hair are symbolic in regards to snow. Pure, innocent, transient. It's a show of his lingering childhood innocence/nativity His small - Unusable wings symbolize both the seeds of hope and seemingly unreachable dreams. The blue of his body represents the polar opposite of his scarf. The more defensive and vulnerable inner self. Blue also represents trust and loyalty, two things which are difficult to obtain and hidden behind his "caution" layer. "Caution" is also the reason why his default outfit consists primarily of black and yellow. The cogwheel design of his tattoos are a symbol of flowing time, how it's limited and one must keep on moving on in life with the finite amount of time we're given. They are reminders that he has to do what he can, despite how he feels his own time slowly seeping through the gaps of his fingers fruitlessly