Western Name: Rafael Tsukiya
Eastern Name: 月谷ラファエル
Kana Pronunciation: つきや・らふぁえる
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Release Date: November 12, 2019
Technical Details
Voiced by: Mattsuran
Managed by: Mattsuran

Voicebank Distribution
Latest Voicebank: 月谷ラファエルV2 (Release Date: September 17th, 2020)
=== JAPANESE ===
月谷ラファエルV1 (Tsukiya Rafael V1)
Download: https://mattsuran.wixsite.com/site/voicebanks/rafael-tsukiya?vb=v1
Type: VCV (+CVVC/CV alias)
Recorded Pitches: C#3
Recommended Range: F#2 ~ E4
Recommended Resampler: TIPS, Moresampler
月谷ラファエルV2 (Tsukiya Rafael V2)
Download: https://mattsuran.wixsite.com/site/voicebanks/rafael-tsukiya?vb=v2
Type: VCV (+CV/CVVC alias)
Recorded Pitches: C3, G3, C4
Recommended Range: F2 ~ A4
Recommended Resampler: TIPS, tn_fnds
Terms of Use
R-18 Content Allowed? See Additional Terms of Use
Commercial Use of Voicebank Allowed? Permission Required
Commercial Use of Character Allowed? Permission Required
Do these terms apply to derivative characters/voices? Derivatives of any sort are forbidden
Click here to view the terms of use for this UTAU.
[* Click here to view commercial license info for this UTAU.]
Voice Sample(s)
Character Details
Height: 177 cm (5' 10")
Weight: 65 kg (142 lbs))
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Species: Android
Pronouns: 自分/jibun (JP, 1° person) | He/They (EN, 2° person)
Ethnicity: White/Hispanic
Likes: Tea, reading, trivia games, bunnies, baking
Dislikes: Animals, the sea, thunderstorms, coffee, elevators
Personality: Rafael is a courteous and yet aloof young man. Most people's first impression of him is that he has a cool personality and is quite reliable.
He always keeps people at an arm's length away, however, he's also caring and trustworthy once you get closer to him.
He's an android, so his understanding of human emotions is a bit limited. Really stubborn and cynical, he loves using sarcasm and sometimes curses like a sailor.
Will help you with anything if you ask politely enough.
・ Rafael runs on a special lithium-sulfur battery capable of maintaining him for 5 continuous days without charge.
After that, he can recharge by either eating foods with a high sugar content or using electricity.
・ Rafael is extremely sensitive to caffeine, just having a single cup of coffee is enough for his battery to recharge completely.
・ Rafael has an extreme and completely irrational fear of getting trapped inside an elevator, so he uses stairs instead of elevators whenever is possible.
・ Rafael's really good at baking. He once held a bake sale to gather funds for his student council and ended up running out of pastries in half an hour.
・ His actual surname is Tsukiya-Aoyama, however, when performing as an UTAU, he only uses the first part.
・ After Ryuu suggested it as a joke, Rafael started dying the tips of his hair blue. He then kept doing it because he liked how it looked.
・ As an android, he's more resistant than a human, being able to easily survive a >50m fall into a lake with little more than a scratch
(which, unsurprisingly, has already happened before).
Related Characters:
Ryuunosuke Aoyama - Adoptive younger brother. Ryuu and Rafael are always arguing about petty stuff. Rafael is overprotective of Ryuu.
Bing Yukihara - Best friends and classmates. Bing is among the few people who know that Rafael is an android. They met in middle school.
Kaori Torimero: Friends, they met each other thanks to Ryuunosuke in a certain incident involving Kaori and Ryuu almost starting a fire in a kitchen.
Kato Torimero: Friends, they met in the aftermath of the aforementioned incident. They sympathize with each other due to the messes caused by their younger siblings (Kaori and Ryuu)
Mizune Hoshiin: Acquaintances. Mizune's playful hyperactivity tends to confuse and annoy Rafael a bit.
More Info: https://mattsuran.wixsite.com/site/character-profiles/rafael-tsukiya