Western Name: (R)AM_GEL
Eastern Name: 天使キオク
Kana Pronunciation: ラムジェル
Gender: AI
Age: Irrelevent.
Release Date: January , 2008
Group/Team: FNV/FNV/金曜日の夜, VoiceFace
Technical Details
Voiced by: plagueworm
Managed by: UpTown-P, VoiceFace

Voicebank Distribution
(R)AM_GEL is an UTAU conceptualized by the members at VoiceFace to act as an alternative to Tomi AI, although there are also plans to distribute his LITE database on the FNV website.
(R)AM_GEL's voice is sickeningly cute, youthful, and full of smiles. Her voice was affected by format shifting and pitching the samples in order to sound overly cutesy.
A single pitch CVVC that was recorded as a test database for (R)AM_GEL. The database features end breath, but it also lacks vocal fries and breath samples, and in certain audio files, there is a noticeable echo, but overall functional as a basic introduction to (R)AM_GELs voice.
It is encoded in hiragana, and has hiragana aliases. It can real both romaji and hiragana (CV/VC only)
Recommended configuration settings (Resampler, wavtool, rendering options, etc.)
» Engine/resampler: doppelter32
» Wavtool: wavtool2
» Rendering options: Y0H0B0F0C99
→ In production, and will be distributed on the FNV website.
A tri-pitch CVVC with an additional falsetto pitch recorded at E5. The tone is solid and moe, it is meant to replicate the voices of anime mascots commonly found in media.
It is encoded in hiragana, and has hiragana aliases. It can real both romaji and hiragana (CV only)
Recommended configuration settings (Resampler, wavtool, rendering options, etc.)
» Engine/resampler: doppelter32, TIPS, moresampler
» Wavtool: wavtool2, simple
» Rendering options: Y0H0B0F0C99
→ In production, and will be distributed on the VoiceFace website.
Terms of Use
R-18 Content Allowed? See Additional Terms of Use
Commercial Use of Voicebank Allowed? See Additional Terms of Use
Commercial Use of Character Allowed? See Additional Terms of Use
Do these terms apply to derivative characters/voices? See Additional Terms of Use
Click here to view the terms of use for this UTAU.
[* Click here to view commercial license info for this UTAU.]
Voice Sample(s)
Character Details
Height: 2759 pixels tall.
Weight: 1.23 MB
Previous affiliations and history.
(R)AM_GEL was originally conceptualized as a duet vocalist with Tomi AI in June 2023, a few days before his release. Planning for a Diff-SVC, RVC, or even DiffSinger database was discussed, but nothing has come of it yet.
The idea to incorporate (R)AM_GEL into the FNV story was brought up and stuck.
Personality and bio
(R)AM GEL is a computer virus from 2009 that'somehow' weaseled its way into the computer that Springy built to host an AI clone of Tomi.
His personality is deceitful and cunning, often spewing false promises that they are the savior of your computer memory and will promise eternal RAM and storage to users who download them, only to explode the computer with multiple forms of malware and viruses and brick it from ever working again.
The AI clone of Tomi, Tomi AI, successfully stopped this from happening, rendering (R)AM_GEL's antics useless, but now he has to live with the virus stuck to his side as an involuntary roommate due to being unable to delete her completely from his system.
- GDG - Unlikely acquaintances
Due to being confined to Springy's lab, GDG occasionally uses the computer on which Tomi AI and (R)AM_GEL are stored for entertainment. As a result, (R)AM_GEL enjoys the company outside of Tomi AI, and frequently wriggles her way into finding ways to interact with GDG. This led to the two developing an unlikely bond of sorts.