Western Name: Q.P.
Eastern Name: Q.P.
Kana Pronunciation: キューピー
Gender: Male
Age: 12
Release Date: July 8, 2016
[* Official Site]
Technical Details
Voiced by: Animé Fan
Managed by: Animé Fan

Voicebank Distribution
CORE (CV) http://www.4shared.com/zip/oNk-IYMRce/QP_online.html
Recommended Flags: Y100B0H0F0g-3
Q.P.'s CORE voicebank combines English and Japanese syllables in one. Here are some sounds that go under specific aliases:
a = Japanese A
i/E = Japanese I
u = Japanese U
e = Japanese E
o = Japanese O
@ = cat
1 = bit
7 = tug
3 = hurt
9 = pull
6 = book
0 = on
I = high
A = cape
O = boat
2 = hoot
U = cute
&n/& = and
8 = how
Q = boy
1ng = king
d = Japanese D
D = dog
H = Chanukah
N = hangar
r = Japanese R
R = rat
rh = Au revoir!
t = Japanese T
T = tape
th = thin
dh = this
zh = Asia
MAVEN (VCV) https://www.4shared.com/zip/ZL3FG90yba/QP_MAVEN.html
Recommended Flags: Y100B0H0F0g-5
ROSE (VCCV) http://www.4shared.com/zip/w89LgQGKce/QP_ROSE.html
Recommended Flags: Y100B0H0F0g-5
Q.P.'s ROSE Append is capable of singing in Japanese, but only with Hiragana USTs. Here are the sounds that go under specific aliases:
a = Japanese A
i/E = Japanese I
u = Japanese U
e = Japanese E
o = Japanese O
@ = cat
1 = bit
7 = tug
3 = hurt
9 = pull
6 = book
0 = on
I = high
A = cape
O = boat
2 = hoot
& = and
8 = how
Q = boy
Ang = sank
1ng = king
d = Japanese D
D = dog
r = Japanese R
R = rat
t = Japanese T
T = tape
th = thin
dh = this
zh = Asia
Terms of Use
R-18 Content Allowed? Forbidden
Commercial Use of Voicebank Allowed? Forbidden
Commercial Use of Character Allowed? Forbidden
Do these terms apply to derivative characters/voices? Derivatives of any sort are forbidden
[* Click here to view the terms of use for this UTAU.]
[* Click here to view commercial license info for this UTAU.]
Voice Sample(s)
Character Details
Height: 144.375cm
Weight: 41.4kg
Birthday- February 2
Character Item- Blue Carnation Corsage
Likes- inspirational young boy characters, flowers (mostly carnations), singing, fashion designing, boy sopranos, speaking his mind, any shade of blue or cyan, wearing shorts
Dislikes- flattery, relationships, female idols and sopranos, oversexualization, poorly portrayed boy characters, things that are too "edgy" or too "cute", being told to "grow up"
Q.P. is a gentle and compassionate individual, but due to his feminine appearance and mannerisms, his feelings get hurt easily. Because of this, he's not romantically interested in anyone and gets uncomfortable when people call him "cute" and "beautiful", but he doesn't like being called "ugly" either. Regardless of the criticism he faces all the time, Q.P. strongly embraces his status as a young boy and seeks to find a positive light in the young boy's existence without the use of sexual exploitation or any other criminal acts.
Q.P.'s catchphrase is "No deres, please!"