Western Name: Nuru Surai
Eastern Name: スライぬる
Kana Pronunciation: すらい·ぬる
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Release Date: August 24, 2019
Technical Details
Voiced by: Diesel™
Managed by: Diesel™

Voicebank Distribution
☆Voice Setting
・ moresampler.exe
・ wavtool.exe/wavtool4vcv.exe
・ g-15Y0B30e
・ You can use Normal and Rock[CV-VV] separately, but the Rock is supposed to be more of an Add-On.
・ All of "Rock" CV-VV is aliased with a "+" so when you use it separately, keep it in mind.
☆Known Errors
・ All of the vowel transitions in "Rock" work, but in "Normal" not all of them work. If you download it and find out what's wrong, I will credit you.
・ Broken Transitions : - え, e え, e お, e う, o え, o お, o R, u お [cv-vv]
・ All of the broken ones are only in the "Normal" bank, if you replace it with the "Rock" add-on, itll sound fine.[cv-vv]
・ CVVC should have no errors.
♡ CV-VV ◆ Normal / Add-on Rock - http://www.mediafire.com/file/97penaxr02sp4pw/%25E3%2581%25AC%25E3%2582%258B_CV-VV_JP_NORMAL_%255BROCK_ADD-ON%255D_v2.rar/file
♡ CVVC ◆ 〈JAZZ〉(soft) -
♡ VCV ◆ 〈JAZZ〉(soft) - http://www.mediafire.com/file/fb2owqua87k812k/Nuru_Surai%25E3%2580%258C%25E3%2582%25B9%25E3%2583%25A9%25E3%2582%25A4%25E3%2581%25AC%25E3%2582%258B%25E3%2580%258D_%25E3%2580%2588JAZZ%25E3%2580%2589_v1.0_VCV.rar/file
♡ VCV ◆ 〈ROCK〉(power) - http://www.mediafire.com/file/q46vyqo0x5cclc9/Nuru_Surai%25E3%2580%258C%25E3%2582%25B9%25E3%2583%25A9%25E3%2582%25A4%25E3%2581%25AC%25E3%2582%258B%25E3%2580%258D_%25E3%2580%2588ROCK%25E3%2580%2589_v1.0_VCV.rar/file
♡ VCV ◆ 〈GOSPEL〉(dark) - https://www.mediafire.com/file/zf2wmeelqp90acd/Nuru_Surai_%25E3%2580%258C%25E3%2582%25B9%25E3%2583%25A9%25E3%2582%25A4%25E3%2581%25AC%25E3%2582%258B%25E3%2580%258D%25E3%2580%2588GOSPEL%25E3%2580%2589_v1.0_VCV.rar/file
♡ VCV ◆ 〈MULTI-EX〉(normal/power[R]/soft[S]/[G]gospel/[L]lovepop in one bank ) - https://www.mediafire.com/file/euefymmlwxulb5v/Nuru_Surai%25E3%2580%258C%25E3%2582%25B9%25E3%2583%25A9%25E3%2582%25A4%25E3%2581%25AC%25E3%2582%258B%25E3%2580%258D%25E3%2580%2588MULTI-EX%25E3%2580%2589v1.0_VCV.rar/file
♡ VCCV ◆ 〈COUNTRY〉(english vccv) -http://www.mediafire.com/file/ap71kdwtnp52ryp/Nuru+Surai+「スライぬる」〈COUNTRY〉+v1.0+VCCV.rar/file
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MMD Model : https://mega.nz/file/zKwmCBRC#_oiwNJhKPkrUdHt0eguyR40XihfE0HQWmCsaVzGi7ag
☆Character: diesel tm
☆Model: caesarccedar
・ Base = YYB/KamaNoTenshi
・ Hair = ILLUSION/Koikatsu/Sentimental-Dream
・ Hair (Buns) = MijumaruNr1
・ Top/Bow = なつか (Natsuka)
・ Skirt = Tehrainbowllama
・ Shoes = Musumakeup/YukinoSama27
・ Do not redistribute without permission
・ Give credit to diesel tm/caesarccedar when used
・ Do not take parts, textures, recolor, etc.
・ Do not claim as your own model
・ Do not transport to other programs
・ Do not use for commercial use
・ Do not use to display violence, R18 content, or slander
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Terms of Use
R-18 Content Allowed? Permission Not Required
Commercial Use of Voicebank Allowed? Permission Required
Commercial Use of Character Allowed? Permission Required
Do these terms apply to derivative characters/voices? Yes, but derivatives must be created with permission
[* Click here to view the terms of use for this UTAU.]
[* Click here to view commercial license info for this UTAU.]
Voice Sample(s)
Character Details
Height: 5'
Weight: 116lb
・ Name:スライぬる(Surai Nuru)
・ Age:18
・ Gender : Female
・ Personality : A reverse tsundere(haraguro), cutesy and fun on the outside, mean and nasty creatcher on the inside. Nuru is a bully type character for the most part. She likes to have fun, but in her downtime with people she really cares for she's a bit mean. If you call her out for being "two-faced", she gets embarrassed and her colours switch, her hair going green and her skin going red.
・ Relationships : Jlyn - Partner
・ Favourite Drink : Black Canned Coffee
・ Favorite Phrase : You really think I'd like /you?!/