Western Name: Nadja
Eastern Name: ナジャ
Kana Pronunciation: ナジャ
Gender: Genderless
Age: +100 years old
Release Date: April 23, 2012
Group/Team: Singing Artifacts
Technical Details
Voiced by: dC
Managed by: dC

Voicebank Distribution
Available VBs:
• Nadja Default CV VC v1.5: http://www.mediafire.com/download/caztfcf34l5pcqp/Nadja+v1.5+CV+VC.rar
- Voice range: E3 - A#5
- Genre: Ballad, pop, folk
Multilingual CV VC voicebank, it's able to sing in Japanese, Spanish, Latin and Esperanto; please experiment with it, since it could be able to cover other languages with similar phonology.
Her voicebank works with resampler with the Y0C99 flag, and with (old) fresamp with the Y0C99F1 flag.
• Nadja FIRM Append CV VC v1.5: http://www.mediafire.com/download/pp6z0am34x4e2gc/Nadja+FIRM+Append+CV+VC.rar
- Voice range: F3 - A5
- Genre: Rock, electro
Bold and stronger voice. Has the same language capabilities as her default voicebank.
Her voicebank works with (old) fresamp with the Y0C99F1 flag, and with EFB-GT, EFB-PB, and (new) fresamp with the Y0C99 flag. (Note: her voice in higher notes can sound raspy when using EFB-GT and/or EFB-PB, if that happens use (old) fresamp instead).
Upcoming VBs:
• Nadja MAGISTRA CV VC v1.0: [coming soon]
- Voice range: TBA
- Genre: TBA
Multilingual multipitch CV VC voicebank, it's able to sing in Japanese, Spanish, Latin and Esperanto; please experiment with it, since it could be able to cover other languages with similar phonology.
MAGISTRA is intended to be an re-recorded fusion of both Default and FIRM voicebanks, plus additional pitches.
• Nadja EN CV VC v1.0: [in consideration]
- Voice range: TBA
- Genre: TBA
English Arpasing voicebank.
NOTE: This voicebank is being taken in consideration and its production isn't absolutely confirmed at the moment.
Terms of Use
R-18 Content Allowed? Permission Not Required
Commercial Use of Voicebank Allowed? Permission Required
Commercial Use of Character Allowed? Permission Required
Do these terms apply to derivative characters/voices? Yes, but derivatives must be created with permission
[* Click here to view the terms of use for this UTAU.]
[* Click here to view commercial license info for this UTAU.]
Voice Sample(s)
Character Details
Height: 173 cm
Weight: Heavier than she looks
• Alias: FKA Kanti
• Character item: Honeydew melon
• Likes: Collecting useless information, wordplays, conlangs, fishes
• Dislikes: Stress, water, when Tauma controls her like a puppet
• Personality: An old automaton that was bought by Taumaturgo years ago.
Taumaturgo himself gave her free will with his powers, making her a being with a somewhat unstable mood, given that she isn't used, neither is designed to have feelings.
Because of this, she tends to have parts of her body falling apart when she's extremely sad or scared, and can have drastic reactions in certain situations.
Because of her recent possesion of consciousness and awareness, she's a very curious being, and tends to get obsessed with things that are considered weird and/or mundane by most of people.
She's nice and friendly most of times, though she can be socially awkward and even hysterical; she apologizes as soon as she notices she's behaving wrong.
• Related characters: Taumaturgo (friend/boss/master, from same creator), Daatura (friend)
• Fun facts:
- She's named after André Breton's surrealist novel "Nadja". In the novel, she's named in that way “because in Russian it's the beginning of the word hope, and because it's only the beginning,” but her name might also evoke the Spanish "Nadie," which means "No one."
- Following Taumaturgo's surrealist motif, Nadja also follows it, though she also somewhat alludes to Dadaism, which is the predecessor of Surrealism. Specifically, she alludes to Man Ray, Francis Picabia, and Marcel Duchamp's works.
- She's good at playing chess.
- She likes sunfishes a lot.