Western Name: Lyric SHOUPOID
Eastern Name: 小ポイドリリック
Kana Pronunciation: しょうポイド・リリック
Gender: Male
Age: 10
Release Date: August 8, 2015
Group/Team: IRaYA
Technical Details
Voiced by: Ai
Managed by: Ai

Voicebank Distribution
Shoupoid v2.0.1 (CV): http://www.mediafire.com/download/4l29fklcghekodq/Shoupoid_v2.0.1.zip
- CV
- Romaji-encoded
- Hiragana-aliased
- Recorded with crappy built-in mic on laptop
- Fully oto-ed
Terms of Use
R-18 Content Allowed? Permission Not Required
Commercial Use of Voicebank Allowed? Permission Not Required
Commercial Use of Character Allowed? Permission Not Required
Do these terms apply to derivative characters/voices? Yes, even to derivatives created without permission
[* Click here to view the terms of use for this UTAU.]
[* Click here to view commercial license info for this UTAU.]
Voice Sample(s)
Character Details
Height: 119cm/3'11"
Weight: 35kg/77.2lb
Lyric is English, hates spicy foods and sweet foods and loves making friends and singing with other UTAU. He secretly likes yaoi and has a love for being called cute and/or a shota. He doesn't actually mind being mistaken for a girl and has a weakness for soppy love songs.
Ai's deviantart: http://iraya-p.deviantart.com/