Western Name: Lamda Francium (λFr)
Eastern Name:
Kana Pronunciation: ラムダフランシウム
Gender: Female
Age: A child
Release Date: May , 2018
Group/Team: UTR Project
Technical Details
Voiced by: dareka
Managed by: Fanicom

Voicebank Distribution
Range (recommended): G3 - E5
Language: Japanese, English, Indonesian (WIP)
Resampler Tested: utaugrowl, default resampler, Moresampler, Worldline
Character Flag: eMt-30Me30g-5
Latest official voicebank.
By far the most stable bank for singing, and to spoil your modern UTAU needs.
- HQ. Stronger, clearer. Older.
- Pitches: A3, C4, E4, G4, B4.
- Usable as CVVC and VCV.
- Moresampler friendly.
- Combine with Myu for vocal fry and extra breath files.
Recommended to use first before downloading other VBs.
- A softer voice, but not necessarily a whisper tone.
- Pitches: A3, E4, A4.
- Contains vocal fry and breath samples.
- Main character voice for Lamda Francium.
- Usable as CV and VCV.
- Pitches: A3, E4, A4.
- Contains assortment of (poorly) voice acted omake.
Download (V1 Arpasing)
- Best friends with Moresampler.
- Pitches: A3, C#4, E4, F#4, G#4, B4
Futane Lily/Ran CV
- Pitches: A3, E4, A4.
- This voicebank is shared with her sister. Oldest prototype (2013)
Note: Terms of Use will be updated soon, for now please refer to the guidelines below this section!
Terms of Use
R-18 Content Allowed? Forbidden
Commercial Use of Voicebank Allowed? Permission Not Required
Commercial Use of Character Allowed? Permission Required
Do these terms apply to derivative characters/voices? Yes, even to derivatives created without permission
[* Click here to view the terms of use for this UTAU.]
[* Click here to view commercial license info for this UTAU.]
Voice Sample(s)
Character Details
Species: Vocalis vulgus celeri (UTAREN Humanoid)
Prototype/Model Number: P2500-Fe
Height: 1.23m
Weight: 20 kg
Likes: Coffee cherries, bedtime stories, her siblings
Dislikes: Seat toilets (phobia)
Traits: Cheerful, hot-headed, active
Exit/Birth: Falada, May 6 2073
"Alright, bet! I'll race you to the other side. Ready? 3, 2, 1, go!"
In 2080, Lamda and Rho Francium were rescued from an exploitative idol agency and brought to an isolated boarding school in the middle of nowhere. An officer gave each of them a strange four-eyed mask that had to be equipped at all costs— even when older Rens tell them to take it off!
The school itself, having been recently established, had some trouble regulating the students' behaviors due to a shortage of capable staff members. Lamda and Rho's case was handled by three different caretakers, before finally settling with a certain Kenji Ebisawa, who's just moved into the school.
With certain guidance and patience, Lamda was able to enjoy a somewhat better childhood, despite of having a hard time to adjust and connect with other students. She sung to her hearts' content, explored the outdoors, and did all sorts of shenanigans that got her in trouble. But most of all, she has found a new family.
But one day, she discovered a strange book that lent her unexplainable powers…
World Story:
Rens— a cross of singing androids and genetical engineering— were once mass-manufactured for labor and entertainment in post-war 2050s. After intense conflict between leading countries, Rens became feared by the humans due to their potential repurposing as combatants. The UN soon outlawed them and initiated a brutal extermination campaign, resulting thousands of decommissioned Rens within three decades.
Only a few hundred individuals managed to survive, scattering themselves into hidden groups. During this period, a secret group managed to fund multiple refuges across the world, including a remotely isolated boarding school (UTR Institute) in Falada, Asean.
Other Information:
- She spends most of her time alone, or with her twin sister Rho and adoptive brother Kenji Ebisawa.
- MI Miracloid is her one and only "mentor". (She's an omnipotent shapeshifting deity, after all!)
- Often, Lamda would escape curfew and hang out at the school's vegetable garden or play at a nearby pond.
- She will force you to read her to bed.
- According to her, the mask is just a hologram. It's projected from the module in her brooch.
- A stage weight had once hit her right in the face, causing a permanently lost tooth and deformed nose.
(PS: You don't have to follow my world story / relationships when using Lamda. As long as it doesn't go against usage terms, I'd love to see what you come up with! - Fanicom)