Kostya Belyaev
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Image by scalaeu

Western Name: Костя Беля́ев
Eastern Name:
Kana Pronunciation: コスティア ベリアエブ

Gender: Male
Age: 13.5

Release Date: April 8, 2021
Group/Team: scalaeu

Official Site

Technical Details

Voiced by: scalaeu
Managed by: scalaeu

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Voicebank Distribution

Kostya Belyaev (Костя Беля́ев) is a Japanese VCV bank recorded in a slight (aka kinda bad) Russian accent.
He also has an ARPAsing English bank that is not available for download and will hopefully have a Russian bank as well at some point.

Note that the VP is not Russian and is just trying their best.

His voicebank can be downloaded via the website at https://scalaeu.wixsite.com/scalaeu/ or at https://www.dropbox.com/s/1wvl4bnosggq8t5/Kostya%20Belyaev%20VCV.zip?dl=0

Terms of Use

R-18 Content Allowed? Forbidden
Commercial Use of Voicebank Allowed? Permission Required
Commercial Use of Character Allowed? Permission Required
Do these terms apply to derivative characters/voices? Yes, but derivatives must be created with permission
Click here to view the terms of use for this UTAU.
[* Click here to view commercial license info for this UTAU.]

Voice Sample(s)

Character Details

Height: 5'1


He's actually 13 but says he's 14 to seem cooler. Likes to think that he should be allowed to stab people (and tries to), even going as far as to owning one of those folding knives but it's kind of dull and he stole the thing from his father.
He "runs from home" a lot, but usually it's just sitting in the park or trying to get into parties he's too young to go to. Definitely has gotten into some before, rubbed the X off of his hand, and tried to drink. Was successful only once.

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