Ichihime Otodamaya
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Image by ROZE

Western Name: Ichihime Otodamaya
Eastern Name: 音魂屋一姫
Kana Pronunciation: おとだまや いちひめ

Gender: Female
Age: Unknown

Release Date: January 22, 2009
Group/Team: Amito (網)

Official Site

Technical Details

Voiced by: Amito (網)
Managed by: Amito (網)

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Voicebank Distribution

VCV Voicebanks:

A rather strong 5-Mora VCV recorded in the F4 pitch.
Release: 30/07/2009
Link: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/lf13nhndeguzg6b/AACbPaOIYOKVnBYomM9asHcua/_f4zm%E3%80%80%E9%80%A3%E7%B6%9A%E9%9F%B3F4.zip?dl=0

・ +f4z "strong"
A strong 7-Mora VCV recorded in the F4 pitch.
Release: 15/08/2009
Link: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/lf13nhndeguzg6b/AADaU-GIRdTWFKV5s3e3m7Jga/%2Bf4z%E3%80%80%E9%80%A3%E7%B6%9A%E9%9F%B3F4.zip?dl=0

・ _c4z
An easy to use voicebank recorded in the C4 pitch.
Release: 15/03/2010
Demo: https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm13371678
Link: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/lf13nhndeguzg6b/AADS13eOQmkS-muTefVlF9gqa/_c4z%E3%80%80%E9%80%A3%E7%B6%9A%E9%9F%B3C4.zip?dl=0

・ :d4z "calm"
A calm VCV recorded in the D4 pitch. Includes end breaths.
Release: 12/04/2011
Link: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/lf13nhndeguzg6b/AAC9Y9zYiY9C2rY3iVfRssdla/%EF%BC%9Ad4z%E3%80%80%E9%80%A3%E7%B6%9A%E9%9F%B3D4%E9%9D%99.zip?dl=0

・ :b3z "quiet"
A soft, low VCV recorded in the B3 pitch.
Release: 11/08/2011
Link: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/lf13nhndeguzg6b/AADMnvr4iiCk1B0P7tjxcDHza/%EF%BC%9Ab3z%E3%80%80%E9%80%A3%E7%B6%9A%E9%9F%B3B3%E9%8E%AE.zip?dl=0#

・ Test Set (試斬_弐)
A powerful tripitch VCV recorded in the C4, F4 and A4 pitches. The A4 pitch was recorded in a V-Kei style. The C4 and F4 pitches correspond to the +f4z and _c4z voicebanks listed above. Includes end breaths.
Release: 22/01/2013
Demo: https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm18155921
Link: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/lf13nhndeguzg6b/AADzW2_ijthfEHzHtLjcqcyJa/%E8%A9%A6%E6%96%AC_%E5%BC%90_20130122.zip?dl=0

・ +g4zk kawaii
A cute-sounding voicebank recorded in the G4 pitch. Well suited for fast-paced songs.
Release: 22/01/2013
Demo: https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm19887117
Link: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/lf13nhndeguzg6b/AAA5VlvHu-T5KuEpiFqRXYA7a/%2Bg4zk%E3%80%80kawaii%20%EF%BC%88%E9%80%A3%E7%B6%9A%E9%9F%B3G4%EF%BC%89.zip?dl=0

CV Voicebanks:

・ _c4
A basic CV voicebank recorded in the C4 pitch.
Release: 22/01/2009
Demo: https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm5914315
Link: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/lf13nhndeguzg6b/AACBsUkk9mXWa2SpEbHzXSECa/_c4%E3%80%80%E5%8D%98%E7%8B%AC%E9%9F%B3C4.zip?dl=0

・ -c4' "whisper"
A whisper voicebank recorded in the C4 pitch. H20 or higher is recommended by the author if you feel the voice is too breathy (in the case of the default resampler).
Release: 21/01/2010
Link: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/lf13nhndeguzg6b/AAC5pEPtmLTwjfqEKOd0tOsHa/-c4%27%E3%80%80%E3%81%95%E3%81%95%E3%82%84%E3%81%8DC4.zip?dl=0

・ _g4 "dear"
A vivid, merry voicebank recorded in the G4 pitch.
Release: 29/04/2010
Link: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/lf13nhndeguzg6b/AACH17FiMBvJOwPTDX6lbFQXa/_g4%E6%84%9B%E3%80%80%E5%8D%98%E7%8B%AC%E9%9F%B3G4%E6%84%9B.zip?dl=0

・ -g3 "whisper"
A whisper voicebank recorded in the G3 pitch.
Release: 12/04/2011
Demo: https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm14362742
Link: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/lf13nhndeguzg6b/AACO3wXEHBg0c14Xsor6sK2ya/-g3%E3%80%80%E3%81%95%E3%81%95%E3%82%84%E3%81%8DG3.zip?dl=0

・-f4~ "whisper"
A whisper voicebank recorded in the F4 pitch. Sounds breathier and lmore mature than -f4+. Has falsetto qualities. End breaths are included.
Release: 12/04/2011
Demo: https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm13958795
Link: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/lf13nhndeguzg6b/AADY4dZpr-y4JM4EmyqeU7b_a/-f4~%E3%80%80%E3%81%95%E3%81%95%E3%82%84%E3%81%8DF4.zip?dl=0

・-f4+ "whisper"
A whisper voicebank recorded in the F4 pitch. Sounds sweeter and cuter than -f4~.
Release: 12/04/2011
Demo: https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm14362742
Link: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/lf13nhndeguzg6b/AAAbZkDu8TZ973GMr32Lw1C_a/-f4%2B%E3%80%80%E3%81%95%E3%81%95%E3%82%84%E3%81%8DF4%E6%84%9B.zip?dl=0

Rentan Voicebanks:

・ _g3j蓮 "husky"
A strong, husky voicebank recorded in the G3 pitch.
Release: 15/03/2010
Demo: https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm10342938
Link: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/lf13nhndeguzg6b/AABjOXge373gNfpcfq6JjJA3a/_g3j%E8%93%AE%E3%80%80%E3%82%8C%E3%82%93%E3%81%9F%E3%82%93%E3%81%98%E3%82%85%E3%81%A4G3%E3%83%8F%E3%82%B9%E3%82%AD%E3%83%BC.zip?dl=0

・ :d4j~ "calm"
A soft voicebank recorded in the D4 pitch.
Release: 04/07/2010
Link: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/lf13nhndeguzg6b/AABJO260jFkquOCJbo8aXHRFa/%EF%BC%9Ad4j~%E3%80%80%E3%82%8C%E3%82%93%E3%81%9F%E3%82%93%E3%81%98%E3%82%85%E3%81%A4D4%E9%9D%99.zip?dl=0

・ :g3j_ "soft"
A soft, low voicebank recorded in the G3 pitch.
Release: 30/07/2010
Link: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/lf13nhndeguzg6b/AADFh21TefkHuWWisMm6ojaua/%EF%BC%9Ag3j_%E3%80%80%E3%82%8C%E3%82%93%E3%81%9F%E3%82%93%E3%81%98%E3%82%85%E3%81%A4G3%E5%BC%B1%E5%9C%B0%E5%A3%B0.zip?dl=0

Terms of Use

R-18 Content Allowed? Permission Not Required
Commercial Use of Voicebank Allowed? See Additional Terms of Use
Commercial Use of Character Allowed? See Additional Terms of Use
Do these terms apply to derivative characters/voices? Unknown
Click here to view the terms of use for this UTAU.
[* Click here to view commercial license info for this UTAU.]

Voice Sample(s)

Character Details



Ichihime has no set character profile or design. Her voicebanks can be used independently of any character, as long as it is specified that the "Otodamaya voicebanks" are used.

Like her brother Nitaro Otodamaya, Ichihime is often portrayed with black hair tied in a pony tail, red and white clothes as well as red eye make-up. ROZE's design of the Otodamayas, shown above, is generally used to portray the siblings.

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