Ichigo Amakune
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Image by Trelliah

Western Name: Ichigo Amakune
Eastern Name: 甘く音イチゴ
Kana Pronunciation: あまくねいちご

Gender: Female
Age: Unknown (appears to be approx. 25-30)

Release Date: October 5th, 2013
Group/Team: Studio Triela

Official Site

Technical Details

Voiced by: Trelliah
Managed by: Studio Triela / Trelliah

encode1.png alias3.png config2.png

Voicebank Distribution

ACT2 [caramel apple]:
Japanese-language single-pitch CVVC voicebank (C#4). Configured with hiragana and romaji aliasing, (as well as some katakana aliasing when necessary to prevent duplicate aliases.)

07/18/2017: Caramel Apple is no longer in beta! If you downloaded the beta version, please update to the current one, or download the updated OTO.ini.

Voicebank DL: http://www.mediafire.com/file/ho9n9y6oj9d7o6t/Amakune_Ichigo_ACT2_%5Bcaramel_apple%5D_CVVC.zip"
OTO.ini Update: http://www.mediafire.com/file/1w5sjsnnz9jae9c/Amakune_Ichigo_ACT2_%5Bcaramel_apple%5D_UPDATE.zip


ACT1 (v1.2): Japanese-language single pitch VCV voicebank (E4). Has moderate support for English and Latin. Configured with hiragana, katakana, and romaji aliases.
DL (Mediafire): http://www.mediafire.com/download/cc1ggwi8ybjiwbc/Amakune+Ichigo+ACT1_v1.2.zip


ARIA: Powerscale Japanese-language VCV voicebank (D4, E4, C5). Configured with hiragana and some katakana aliases.
DL (Mediafire): http://www.mediafire.com/download/caa8khaez5kmao4/Amakune+ICHIGO+-ARIA-.zip

Notice: Dropped Sounds in ACT1 & ARIA
There was a known issue in which Amakune Ichigo (versions ACT1 and ARIA) dropped certain sounds when used in PC UTAU. This issue has since been resolved. If you downloaded Ichigo previously and experienced this issue, please re-download from the updated links above.


Voice Range:
A3-E5 (ACT1.2) / G3-B5 (ARIA)
G#3-G#5 (ACT2 CVVC [caramel apple])

Recommened resampler: Fresamp or TIPS
Recommended flags: None. (See note below.)

Note on resamplers & flags: At this time, no flags are recommended or required for use in UTAU-Synth. Due to technical limitations, it can be difficult for Trelliah to test out which resamplers work well with Ichigo in UTAU. If you find a resampler or flag works particularly well with Ichigo, please let Trelliah know.

In UTAU-Synth, Ichigo typically sounds best with a BRE setting of 50. It is likely this may apply in UTAU as well.

All OTO.inis are configured with hiragana aliases. Certain voicebank versions may also include romaji aliases. All OTO.inis have been converted for use with UTAU, as well as UTAU-Synth. If you run into technical issues with any version of Chiroru or Ichigo, please let Trelliah know.

Terms of Use

R-18 Content Allowed? Permission Not Required
Commercial Use of Voicebank Allowed? Permission Required
Commercial Use of Character Allowed? Permission Required
Do these terms apply to derivative characters/voices? See Additional Terms of Use
Click here to view the terms of use for this UTAU.
[* Click here to view commercial license info for this UTAU.]

Voice Sample(s)

Character Details

Height: 5'4"

Weight: Unknown

Name meaning: Amakune (甘く音) "sweet sound." It's also a bad pun on "Macne," a reference to the Macne series voicebanks that served as inspiration for the Studio Triela voicebanks and their designs. (Note: Ichigo & Chiroru were built on a Mac, but were made compatible for PC usage.); Ichigo (イチゴ) "strawberry"

Likes: Books, curried rice, cookies, tea, chocolate-covered strawberries, cheesecake.
Dislikes: ?? (May not actually know what she dislikes.)
Special Talent: Winning drinking contests

Signature Song: GLIDE, WAVE, Lacrimosa

Personality: Ichigo is sweet and gentle. She also tends to be rather forgetful and is constantly writing down notes to remind herself of important things she needs to remember. She is also a terrible cook, which isn't helped by her poor sense of taste (Ichigo tends to overseason things, often far beyond what other people can stand.) She has a soft spot for pretty much all living things, including insects.

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Image by Trelliah

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Image by Trelliah

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