Western Name: Honoka Kuroduki
Eastern Name: 黒月穂香
Kana Pronunciation: クロヅキ-ホノカ
Gender: Male
Age: 21
Release Date: January 8, 2015
Group/Team: Mizunone Lugh Row
Technical Details
Voiced by: 黒月カイン (Kokugatsu Kain)
Managed by: 黒月カイン (Kokugatsu Kain)

Voicebank Distribution
All voicebanks and MMD models are currently down.
VCV: Download
a high-pitched VCV sound source that is close to a female but can not escape the boyhood. The recorded mean scale is A # 4. The bass is also surprisingly resistant.
† Forte †: Download | Additional note G # 4
a added G # 4 to the bipitch VCV composed of D4 / F4 and changed it to triptich consonant scale VCV. The recorded sound range is lower than usual, but a slightly stronger and clear pronunciation.
* 2 For those who were DLed on consonant scale, add the lower additional note G # 4 separately and add it to the folder and use it.
† Virtutis †: Download
a biptich consonant VCV composed of C4 / F4. Power system sound source that sings powerfully bass more than before.
† Caelum †: Download
a 5-pitch consonant scale VCV composed of A3 / D4 / G4 / C5 / D5. It is characterized by a soft soft gentle voice overall.
† Nulla †: Download
a quadpitch VCV composed of A3 / C4 / E4 / G4. A power system sound source that sing bass as well as power. C4 is the same as † Virtutis †.
† Core †: Download
a Five-pitch consonant VCV composed of A3 / C4 / E4 / A # 4 / D5. † Forte †'s re - recording, version upgrade. Neutral voice quality.
† Heart †: Download
a † Core †, † Caelum †, † Nulla † integrated sound sources. We set it so that not only the sound source but also the scale is automatically switched simply by adding strong and weak aliases.
The password for each voicebank is "krdkhnk"
MMD Model ver.1.0: Download
By using AL, the pupil and the blue line part will flash. There is only a minimum necessary morph. Because there are a lot of calculations of bangs and aho hair it roughs. If you are gloomy please edit bone, rigid body, joint as it is PMX editor.
MMD Model ver.2.0: Download
By using AL, the pupil and the blue line part will flash. Morph is more than ver.1.0. There are penetration etc. since it is sweet as weights and calculations. For this model, diversion of parts is OK.
The password for both MMD Models is "hnkmmd"
Terms of Use
R-18 Content Allowed? Permission Not Required
Commercial Use of Voicebank Allowed? Permission Required
Commercial Use of Character Allowed? Permission Required
Do these terms apply to derivative characters/voices? Yes, even to derivatives created without permission
Click here to view the terms of use for this UTAU.
Click here to view commercial license info for this UTAU.
Voice Sample(s)
Character Details
Height: 162 cm
Weight: Tentatively light
Birthday: September 24
Likes: Playing on PC, Sweetness
Dislikes: To go out, tobacco (though depending on things)
Honoka is a proxy who got the image from the follower and born himself as a BL male.
He has a right eye is black odd eye