Western Name: Hayate Nori Masara
Eastern Name: 颯儀マサラ
Kana Pronunciation: はやて・のり・まさら
Gender: Male
Age: 45
Release Date: August 21, 2018
Group/Team: GraySlate
Technical Details
Voiced by: GraySlate's father
Managed by: GraySlate

Voicebank Distribution
Hayate has beginning CVs (i.e. [- か]) and fake vowel transitions (i.e. [* あ]). It is recommended to use Hayate with those, although he can be used as a pure CV.
Hayate is recorded from GraySlate's father, thus pronunciation might not be accurate.
Hayate is monopitch CV Japanese with romaji and hiragana aliases.
He has some English sounds recorded to assist with English pronunciation.
He sounds best using fresamp and the flags BRE0Y99C99c99H0h0B0b0F1L1.
As of November 5, 2022, there will be no more updates to Hayate due to the passing of his voice provider. The latest update is current.
He can be downloaded in zip form here
As of November 2, 2023, Hayate has an AI model through SOVITS.
The model is trained to 5600 steps.
Recommended notebook to use with Hayate
Download Hayate AI here
Terms of Use
R-18 Content Allowed? Forbidden
Commercial Use of Voicebank Allowed? Permission Required
Commercial Use of Character Allowed? Permission Required
Do these terms apply to derivative characters/voices? Derivatives of any sort are forbidden
Click here to view the terms of use for this UTAU.
[* Click here to view commercial license info for this UTAU.]
Voice Sample(s)
Character Details
Height: 5'3"
Weight: 180 lbs.
Hayate is from a large family, born on December 11th. He supported them as much as he could until he finally decided to move out. He left home with barely any money to his name or anyone even knowing his name. He made several friends in a similar situation as him and formed a band, in which he sang and helped to master their music. Along the way, he met Hanae, someone he wasn't in a rush to talk to as he knew her status as Zecersonian royalty. Hanae still made it a point to hang around his band, and their friends slowly pushed them together. Hayate and Hanae eventually began dating and agreed to get married. It wasn't long after the two married that Hanae found out she was pregnant with Miyuki. Miyuki is one of the centers of Hayate's life aside from Hanae or their second child, Mieko. Hayate has somewhat of a drinking problem, to which his family has to step in to take care of him.
Whenever Hayate sees a boy try to flirt with Miyuki (even if it isn't true) he'll intervene until they leave. He's known for having to be picked up by Miyuki during outings for drinking so much. Hayate is extremely proud of Miyuki's band and always tries to spread the news about them.