Western Name: Halt Tanner (Tanoru Hareto)
Eastern Name: タノル・ハレト
Kana Pronunciation: たんなー・はると
Gender: Female
Age: 26
Release Date: November 20, 2011
Group/Team: none
Technical Details
Voiced by: Cdra
Managed by: Cdra

Voicebank Distribution
English VCCV 3.b [ Closed Beta ]
→VCCV English encoded with Cz phonetics.
→Three tonal sets currently recorded (A3/C4/E4), final number not decided.
→Beta download requestable despite the lack of complete configurations and recordings.
Japanese "CV" 4.b [ Closed Beta ]
→Full Japanese CVVC with ultra-lite VCV. Can be used as CV.
→Romaji-encoded with kana-only aliases at present.
→Five base tonal sets (F3/A3/C4/E4/A4), three soft tonal sets (F3/A3/C4), and Falsetto currently recorded. Final number not decided.
→Beta download requestable despite the lack of complete configurations and recordings.
Japanese VCV 3.0
→Updated 2/22/2016.
→Romaji-encoded "standalone" VCV with hiragana-only aliases.
→Five "natural" tonal sets (F3/A#3/D4/F4/A4, integrated in the prefix.map) + four extension sets (Soft F3/C4, Falsetto C5, Belting A4).
→Final full recording: another complete Japanese VCV bank will not be made.
Japanese "CV" 3.1
→Updated 2/22/2016.
→Romaji-encoded with hiragana and romaji aliases for CV and CV VC. It also has aliasing for a small amount of VCV, including continuous vowels.
→Seven natural tone sets (E3/G3/A#3/C#4/E4/G4/A#4, integrated in the prefix.map), 2 edge-of-range natural sets (C#3 gravel, C#5 falsetto), and 4 expansion sets (2 soft [F3/C4], 2 strong [Belt/Yell]). The extensions are integrable using suffixes.
English CV VC 2.1
→Updated 2/22/2016.
→Two tonal sets (F3/C4, with a configured prefix.map) and is recorded (aliased+encoded) using Cz's FULL English style.
→As an added bonus to the 2.1 version, it also has an additional FULL tonal set (G4), an additional LITE tonal set (Growl/Soft), and an additional set of stationary vowels (Soft). HOWEVER, THESE SETS DO NOT HAVE COMPLETE OTO.INI CONFIGURATIONS. Use and configure at your own risk.
APPEND:SOLEDI 1.0 (April Fool's 2013)
Japanese VCV 2.1
Japanese "CV" 2.0
English CV VC 1.0
Japanese VCV 1.0
English CV VC LITE
Terms of Use
R-18 Content Allowed? Permission Not Required
Commercial Use of Voicebank Allowed? Permission Required
Commercial Use of Character Allowed? Permission Required
Do these terms apply to derivative characters/voices? Derivatives of any sort are forbidden
Click here to view the terms of use for this UTAU.
[* Click here to view commercial license info for this UTAU.]
Voice Sample(s)
Character Details
Height: 5'11" / 180 cm
Weight: 150 lb / 68 kg
Name notes: Her Japanese alias is タノル・ハレト (Tanoru Hareto), a more accurate spelling to her name's original derivation. However, her name should be spelled タンナー・ハルト… she simply prefers タノル・ハレト as her alias.
Currently being reworked.