Western Name: GDG
Eastern Name: 重力ドリト・ガイ
Kana Pronunciation: ジュリョク ドリト ガイ
Gender: Male (Self identified)
Age: 60+
Release Date: March 23, 2024
Group/Team: FNV/金曜日の夜
Technical Details
Voiced by: ZANE2994
Managed by: UpTown-P

Voicebank Distribution
GDG's voice is strong, passionate, and loud with a faint accent. Recommended genres are rock, rock-pop, & techno.
*「 CVVC JP 1.0 」
A tri-pitch CVVC with end breaths and vocal fry, the voice is powerful and sounds like it was recorded with an open mouth.
It is encoded in hiragana, and has hiragana aliases. It can real both hiragana (CV/VC only)
Recommended configuration settings (Resampler, wavtool, rendering options ect.)
» Engine/resampler: dopeleter32/TIPS
» Wavtool: Default wavtool for UTAU
» Rendering options: Y0H0B0F0C99
*「 CVVC KOREAN 1.0 」
A monopitch Korean CVVC with a sibilant and sly tone. It was configured by GDG's voice provider, ZANE2994.
Recommended configuration settings (Resampler, wavtool, rendering options ect.)
» Engine/resampler: dopeleter32/TIPS
» Wavtool: Default wavtool for UTAU
» Rendering options: Y0H0B0F0C99
Terms of Use
R-18 Content Allowed? Forbidden
Commercial Use of Voicebank Allowed? Permission Not Required
Commercial Use of Character Allowed? Forbidden
Do these terms apply to derivative characters/voices? Derivatives of any sort are forbidden
[* Click here to view the terms of use for this UTAU.]
[* Click here to view commercial license info for this UTAU.]
Voice Sample(s)
Character Details
Height: 85cm (Dorito), 130cm (Disguise)
Weight: Not important.
Previous affiliations and history.
GDG's origins can be traced back to a Gartic Phone game played in 2021, starting with the prompt "Bill Cypher" and the ending "Gravity Dorito Guy." More Gartic phone games added to the character's hilarity, and he was later repurposed as a character in the FNV/FNer universe/series.
Personality and bio
The result of many science experiments done by Springy, GDG was made sometime in the mid-late 1900’s (presumably 1960-70s?). He is a sentient Dorito with the power to defy gravity. GDG is one of Springy's main accomplices when it comes to experiments.
He has a disguised form that takes the shape of a young demon that would commonly be found on earth in FNV.
His personality is reserved, jaded, and short-tempered. Despite this, he is respectful to Springy when need be.
He has his own dimension that is filled with darkness called the "Void Cage." Springy often discards things that are of no use to him in there or stores things that may be of importance to him for future use.
- Springy - Creator & boss.
While it is doubtful that GDG has many strong opinions about Springy, he has stayed loyal to him throughout his life. GDG usually does what Springy asks of him.
- (R)AM_GEL - Unlikely acquaintances
Due to being confined to Springy's lab, GDG occasionally uses the computer on which Tomi AI and (R)AM_GEL are stored for entertainment. As a result, (R)AM_GEL enjoys the company outside of Tomi AI, and frequently wriggles her way into finding ways to interact with GDG. This led to the two developing an unlikely bond of sorts.