Western Name: GitaiXGikai UTAgoe
Eastern Name: タイXギカイ歌声ギ
Kana Pronunciation: ぎたいXぎかいうたごえ
Gender: Unisex
Age: 12
Release Date: December 8, 2013
Group/Team: CMYKloid
Technical Details
Voiced by: A_Dichie
Managed by: ShamoneDichie

Voicebank Distribution
Stage : Lite : [not to be released]
CV ACT 1 : http://www.mediafire.com/download/t8mdlv3epdq8097/GitaiXGikai+Utagoe.rar
CV ACT 2 : [In progress]
Future Appends or/and VBs :
1. Vivid : the clearer voices [In progress]
2. Furyo : Collapse voices-sounded like a robot
3. Seijin : Adult version
Terms of Use
R-18 Content Allowed? Permission Required
Commercial Use of Voicebank Allowed? Permission Required
Commercial Use of Character Allowed? Permission Required
Do these terms apply to derivative characters/voices? Yes, but derivatives must be created with permission
[* Click here to view the terms of use for this UTAU.]
[* Click here to view commercial license info for this UTAU.]
Voice Sample(s)
Character Details
Height: 155 cm(Gitai), 152 cm(Gikai)
Weight: 42 kg(gitai), 40 kg(gikai)
UTAgoe GitaiXGikai
PERSONALITY: They are really childish. They are very love with green, everything. Likes to Hanging out when weekend. 'Gitai is patient and cheerful but little bit gentle, and Gikai is quiet and shy. She always hiding behind her brother when she met the stranger. But she will be chummy and very talkative with her close friend. Gitai always pretend his sister as a mother because Gikai always remind him anything,talkatively. And Gikai always crying if her desire is not fulfilled soon. They will be sad' if they are separated in any case. They are really lovely twin, love each other.
Hair color: Light Green (Gikai), Darker Green (Gitai)
Headgear: Floating eyeglasses (Gitai) Outfit: Gitai : Dark grey jacket with speaker in each shoulder, white tight shirt and zipper on the shirt with glowing green ON button. Regular dark grey pants with glowing pattern. And grey and green shoes.
Gikai : Dark green skirt with G-20 pattern in buttom right, white long sleeve shirt, wavy collar. white stocking. and white-green paterned shoes. Eye color: Green Earphones: White headpiece, Monochrome equalizator on the right, and playlist button on the left.
Nationality/Race: Japanese-Engrish Singing robot
Catchphrase: "あなたと私が緑である" - "You and I are Green"
Trivia :
1. Did you know that their original color is white? Yes, they are white at first. Just they always eat anything green, especially green vegetables. Their white color gradually changed to green because the chlorophyll, contained in green vegetables.
2. Their voices recorded on Dichie's tablet, when she made Maikeru Jakusan's Voicebank and she wanted to test her voice in the tablet, because she had never made a male voicebank before. then, she decided a week after, the recorded voice exercised for a new her UTAUloid.
3. The creator though that their VB's quality is worse than beta version of Magenta Inaichi ( she called her 'Mganeta Inaichi' the fail version of magenta), but actually it's better. Even though some of voices couldn't be fix such as 'be', 'ke', 'jo' and 'shi' ('shi' hears like 'chi')
4. They look like Kagamine Twins, but more childish.
5. Maikeru Jakusan is their stepfather.