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Image by UpTown-P

Western Name: Fuyuki
Eastern Name: フユキ
Kana Pronunciation: フユキ

Gender: Female
Age: 125 (appears 10)

Release Date: January 12, 2023
Group/Team: VoiceFace

Official Site

Technical Details

Voiced by: Unrevealed
Managed by: UpTown-P

encode0.png alias0.png config0.png

Voicebank Distribution

Fuyuki has 3 voice databases up for download, all of which have a very child-like tone.

All UTAU voice databases produced by VoiceFace are free for download as well as free for commercial use as long as the TOS/TOU are followed. Failure to follow Fuyuki's TOS/TOU will result in termination of your right to use her voice for commercial purposes.


「 CV_JP 1.0 」
A tri-pitch CV with end breaths. It has a very childlike and youthful tone.
It is encoded in hiragana, and has hiragana aliases. It can only read hiragana (CV only)

Recommended configuration settings (Resampler, wavtool, rendering options ect.)
» Engine/resampler: tn_fnds_PB
» Wavtool: Default wavtool for UTAU
» Rendering options:

CV_JP 1.0 Download


「 VCV_JP 1.0 」
A tri-pitch VCV with end breaths. It has a youthful tone, but the voice is distorted and broken.
It is encoded in romaji, and has hiragana aliases. It can only read hiragana (VCV only)

Recommended configuration settings (Resampler, wavtool, rendering options ect.)
» Engine/resampler:
» Wavtool: Default
» Rendering options:

VCV_JP Download

「 CLEAR_JP 1.0 」
A tri-pitch VCV with end breaths. It contains the original recordings of the VCV_JP database.
It is encoded in romaji, and has hiragana aliases. It can only read hiragana (VCV only)

Recommended configuration settings (Resampler, wavtool, rendering options ect.)
» Engine/resampler:
» Wavtool: Default
» Rendering options:

CLEAR_JP Download

Terms of Use

R-18 Content Allowed? Forbidden
Commercial Use of Voicebank Allowed? Permission Not Required
Commercial Use of Character Allowed? Permission Not Required
Do these terms apply to derivative characters/voices? Yes, even to derivatives created without permission
Click here to view the terms of use for this UTAU.
[* Click here to view commercial license info for this UTAU.]

Voice Sample(s)

Character Details

Height: 146 cm

Weight: ???

Previous affiliations and history.

Fuyuki is the mascot for the vocal synth collective of VoiceFace. She was made to represent a child whose dreams were shattered into pieces, but could be put back together by the people who use her to sing songs for those who wish to pursue what she could not. She is also meant to contribute to the niche genre of horror themed UTAUs.

Personality and bio.

She's shy and doesn't speak often, she's a child who lurks in corners. She also has a keen eye and a sweet tooth for anything related to candy.

All official personality traits can be discarded in favour of user's personal preference or used as a base guideline for users to built off of.


They have no notable relationship set in stone.

They have no notable relationship set in stone.

  • Astrid - Fellow VoiceFace member & unofficial sibling figure

Fuyuki and Astrid are headcanoned by the VoiceFace team to have a sibling-like relationship, although they are not related by blood. In Uptown-P's words, Astrid is "the one person [in the VoiceFace cast] that Fuyuki tolerates." Fuyuki often plans tea parties for the two of them, complete with actual tea and sweets! (Quite upscale for a child.) However, this may be discarded in favour of users' personal preferences.

  • Tomi - Fellow VoiceFace member

They have no notable relationship set in stone.

Riwa and Fuyuki are often depicted together as friends in official artwork and fanwork. They do not have any notable relationship set in stone.

  • Nemo - Fellow VoiceFace member

They have no notable relationship set in stone.

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Image by Voiceface

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Image by UpTown-P

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Image by UpTown-P

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Image by UpTown-P

Image Unavailable

Image by UpTown-P

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