Western Name: Deshimaru Gakuto
Eastern Name: 学人デシマル
Kana Pronunciation: がくとでしまる
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Release Date: January 1, 2020
Technical Details
Voiced by: UtaUtaUtau
Managed by: UtaUtaUtau
Voicebank Distribution
学人デシマル χ (Gakuto Deshimaru Chi)
- A 4-pitch kire-style CVVC with a youthful voice
- Pitches: A2, D3, G3, C4
- Extras: Breaths, Glottal stops, second consonants (Aspirated T, Dz sound, F sound and L sound)
- Sample: https://soundcloud.com/utautautau2/deshimaruchidemoreel
- This voicebank has also been ported to DeepVocal
学人デシマル χσ (Gakuto Deshimaru Chi-Sigma)
- A 4-pitch soft CVVC made to be appended with Chi
- Pitches: A2, D3, G3, G4 (Falsetto)
- Format is exactly the same as Gakuto Deshimaru Chi
- Sample: https://soundcloud.com/utautautau2/deshichisigma
学人デシマル χπ (Gakuto Deshimaru Chi-Pi)
- A 4-pitch powerscale CVVC, maybe able to be appended with Chi
- Pitches: A2, D3, G3, C4
- Format is exactly the same as Gakuto Deshimaru Chi
- Sample: https://youtu.be/NPJptJUr6Vg
- This voicebank has a version for easier appending
学人デシマル Extras (Gakuto Deshimaru Extras)
- Extra recordings made for Chi + Chi-Sigma fusion bank
- Pitches: falsetto switching VVs (G3-F, F-G3), F2, E4 (Transition falsetto)
- Includes breath samples and a presamp.ini
- The presamp.ini can be downloaded separately
学人デシマル τ (Gakuto Deshimaru Tau)
- A monopitch Tagalog CVVC
- Pitch: G3
- Sample: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RaUQrah02H4
- A 4-pitch kire style Toki Pona VCV
- Pitches: A2, D3, G3, C4
- Extras: End breaths, End inhales, End exhale+inhale, Natural ends, Glottal stops
- Sample: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bem1XrojM1U
学人デシマル ρδ (Gakuto Deshimaru Rho-Delta)
- A 3-pitch mature power V-Kei CVVC
- Pitches: D3, G3, C4
- Extras: ng consonant, VV glottal stop, natural ends, end breaths, end inhales, end exhale + inhale
- Sample: https://soundcloud.com/utautautau2/deshirhorelease
学人デシマル ρν (Gakuto Deshimaru Rho-Nu)
- A 4-pitch nasal V-Kei
- Pitches: A2, D3, G3, C4
- Extras: rolling/trilling r, VV glottal stop, natural ends, end breaths, end inhales, end exhale inhale
- Sample: https://soundcloud.com/utautautau2/deshirhorelease
学人デシマル AI (Gakuto Deshimaru AI)
- An AI voicebank for the Japanese language
- Flags: F - Falsetto (It has been trained for falsetto switching in mind), K - Throaty voice (similar to KAFU or Chis-A), V - Nasal V-Kei (similar to 学人デシマル ρν)
- Sample: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ok5EnsDgahw
Terms of Use
R-18 Content Allowed? Forbidden
Commercial Use of Voicebank Allowed? Permission Required
Commercial Use of Character Allowed? Permission Required
Do these terms apply to derivative characters/voices? Derivatives of any sort are forbidden
[* Click here to view the terms of use for this UTAU.]
[* Click here to view commercial license info for this UTAU.]
Voice Sample(s)
Character Details
Height: About 11 Scientific Calculators
Weight: About 631 Scientific Calculators
Birthday: December 16
Character Item: Scientific Calculator
Likes: Mitsuha Renko (platonically), Kaiyou Mitsuyo (platonically), Math, scientific calculators, having to wear the same set of clothes (basically uniforms), Vine, circles, triangles
Dislikes: procrastination, regular calculators
A total nerd that has outstanding academic performance, but still manages to have a social life. He's very open and noisy around his friends and would do a lot of things for them. Despite of being extremely self-aware, he's very oblivious when it comes to love.