Western Name: Daichi Akiyama
Eastern Name: 秋山大智
Kana Pronunciation: アキヤマ ダイチ
Gender: Male (Transgender)
Age: 21
Release Date: July 1, 2018
Group/Team: Peeslubn
Technical Details
Voiced by: Peeslubn
Managed by: Peeslubn

Voicebank Distribution
Akiyama Daichi also has a voice model for NNSVS/ENUNU, if you are looking for more information please take a visit to his page on his website!
秋山大智 Akiyama Daichi
5 pitch VCV Voicebank (D3, F3, A3, D4, F4)
Powerful, versatile nasal voicebank, fits a wide variety of song types.
Resampler: TIPS (recommended), Fresamp, Doppeltler
Includes vocal fry, glottal stops, end breaths, English end breaths, L sounds
秋山大智 Akiyama Daichi CVVC
5 pitch CVVC Voicebank (Main: D3, F3, A3, D4) (Falsetto: FD4)
Default powerful singing voice.
Resampler: TIPS, Fresamp
Includes vocal fry (x.) (D3,F3,FD4), glottal stops (x') (D3,F3,A3,D4,FD4), la's, end breaths (x R, x R.), inhales (吸)
秋山大智 Akiyama Daichi ROUGE 2.0
Monopitch (C3) VCV append voicebank.
Best suited for darker + classical songs.
Resampler: TIPS
Extras: Glottal stops, vocal fry, breaths (x R), la strings
秋山大智 Akiyama Daichi THORN
Bipitch (G3, B3) VCV append voicebank. Best suited for fast + loud songs.
Resampler: moresampler (recommended), TIPS, doppeltler
Extras: Glottal stops (x'), breaths (x -, x R, a 吸), la strings (G3, B3), vocal fry (x.), vocal fry endings (xR.), falsetto vowel strings (xF), growl vowel strings (xG)
Includes VC support.
秋山大智 Akiyama Daichi PETAL
Bipitch (D3, F3) VCV append voicebank. Best suited for soft + emotional songs.
Resampler: TIPS (recommended), Moresampler, Fresamp
Includes vocal fry, glottal stops, la's, end breaths (x -, x R)
秋山大智 Akiyama Daichi CALYX
Monopitch VCV Append Voicebank (A2)
Deep, hoarse vocals, best used for lower range songs.
Resampler: TIPS (recommended), Moresampler, Fresamp
Flag: Y0H0B0F0 (g5 flag optional)
Includes vocal fry, la's, glottal stops, end breaths (a R), end vocal fry (a R.)
Terms of Use
R-18 Content Allowed? Permission Not Required
Commercial Use of Voicebank Allowed? Permission Required
Commercial Use of Character Allowed? Permission Required
Do these terms apply to derivative characters/voices? Yes, even to derivatives created without permission
[* Click here to view the terms of use for this UTAU.]
[* Click here to view commercial license info for this UTAU.]
Voice Sample(s)
Character Details
Height: 175cm
年齢/Age: 21歳
身長/Height: 175cm
性別/Sex: 男子/Male (Transgender)
好き/Likes: Quiet time, reading, knitting and baking.
嫌い/Dislikes: Stupidity, flirting, bright colors, people that are loud and obnixous.
Sexuality: Gay
Boyfriend: PAISAN (UTAU)
Character Item: Rose
秋山大智 ROUGE Information:
年齢/Age: ??? (Assumed to be 200+, appears 21.)
好き/Likes: Writing, reading, looking outside his balcony, piano, solitude, shiny objects.
嫌い/Dislikes: Intruders (to his castle), large crowds, garlic, adventuring, the sun.
Backstory: Akiyama Daichi ROUGE is an ex prince turned vampire, where he was exiled from his kingdom and sent deep into the woods to
live out his life in solitude. He enjoys the fine arts and appreciating the world around him. He treats visitors with disdain, but
he is a hospitable host.
秋山大智 THORN Information:
年齢/Age: Infinite, body is 21.
好き/Likes: Flirting, performing, showing off, attention, petnames.
嫌い/Dislikes: Itchy clothes, being ordered around, people that don't know him.
Backstory: Akiyama Daichi THORN is a demon, although the sins he represent are a secret. He is very full of himself, fueling himself off of compliments. His biggest wish is to become hell's biggest rock star.
秋山大智 PETAL Information:
年齢/Age: Infinite, body is 21.
好き/Likes: Reading & writing, sweet foods, playing his flute.
嫌い/Dislikes: Small talk, oversharing, being in the spotlight, demons.
Backstory: An angel of humility, Akiyama Daichi PETAL keeps to himself most of the time, a man with a solitary life.
He spends his time working at libraries across heaven's lands.
秋山大智 CALYX Information:
年齢/Age : 108 (Physically 21)
好き/Likes : Eating, observing others, swimming (alone), playing his acoustic guitar, fishing.
嫌い/Dislikes : Showing off his soft side, people perceiving him, swimming (with other people around), vegetables.
Backstory: Akiyama Daichi CALYX is a mythical fishperson, living in a remote beach shack. He often is brutally honest, to the point where
he has no filter, but he tends to hide his deepest feelings. He often is by himself fishing, or swimming in his favorite cave getaway near his home.