Western Name: CrissZ3R0
Eastern Name: Namine Criss
Kana Pronunciation: クリスセロ
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Release Date: April 19, 2020
Group/Team: CEYZ
Technical Details
Voiced by: CrissZ3R0
Managed by: CrissZ3R0

Voicebank Distribution
-Natural 6 (VCV)-
Criss's first voicebank, This was one of the first VCV recorded, but natural doesn't have much, it is similar to a soft and more with its falsetto that contains, it works as CV, CVVC and VCV, together with VC- connections.
- Sample: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tVKlIHdi7Ig&ab_channel=CrissZ3R0VTuber
- Recommended Resamplers: doppeltler64, w4u.
- Avoid Using: TIPS, Moresampler,
- Recommended Flags: B0Y0H0
- dl: https://www.mediafire.com/file/wu7wv14shpqtig7/CrissZ3R0+-natural-+v6.00.rar/file
-EVE Core (CV-VC)-
This VB is made with the canon list that was used for Namine Ritsu EVE (CV-VC). This VB contains tones from C3 to A4 leaving the option to make it scream.
- Sample: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I2spju3Zrg8&ab_channel=CrissZ3R0VTuber
- Recommended Resamplers: doppeltler64, w4u.
- Avoid Using: TIPS, Moresampler, bkh01, fresamp 12/13/14
- Recommended Flags: B0Y0H0
- dl: https://bowlroll.net/file/281896
-EVE Normal (CV-VC)-
This VB is made with the canon list that was used for Namine Ritsu EVE (CV-VC). This VB contains tones from A3 to A4 leaving the option of soft singing (whispering: A3) neutral/soft singing (soft: E4) power singing (power: A4).
- Sample: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3lTNXSh7IGE&ab_channel=CrissZ3R0VTuber
- Recommended Resamplers: doppeltler64, TIPS tn_fnds* (for soft only).
- Recommended Flags: B0H0Y0
- dl: https://bowlroll.net/file/293502
-Strong (CV)-
It has the tones A3, E4 and A4, recommended for people who are just starting out.
- Sample: https://twitter.com/CrissZ3R0/status/1580683597320982528
- Recommended Resamplers: doppeltler64
- Recommended Flags: B0H0Y0
- dl: hhttps://bowlroll.net/file/293502
-Normal (CV)-
It has the tones A3, E4 and A4, but instead of shouting, it is a natural voice just starting. Recommended for people who are just starting.
- Recommended Resamplers: doppeltler64
- Recommended Flags: B0
- dl: https://bowlroll.net/file/286468
This VB has strength in the voice, but sounds more like a child, or a teenager with a childish voice, has A2, D3, F3, A3, E4. A4
- Sample: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lGFjjDzmS0U&ab_channel=CrissZ3R0VTuber
- Recommended Resamplers: doppeltler64, f2resamp64
- Recommended Flags: B0Y0H0g+4
- dl: https://bowlroll.net/file/281744
-Something Is KIRE (VCV)-
This VB has strength in the voice, but this one sounds a little more mature than it normally does, it can be used as CV, CV-VC, VCV, it has A2, D3, F3, A3, D4, F#4. B4. D5_Falsette, B4_Kire
- Sample: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=11QGqDGmVdk&ab_channel=CrissZ3R0VTuber
- Recommended Resamplers: doppeltler64, f2resamp64
- Recommended Flags: B0Y0H0
- dl: https://bowlroll.net/file/290149
-Spanish VCCV (360)-
This VB is designed for Spanish with the AkuP List, i.e. 360, has ringtones such as: A2_dp, C3, E3, A3, D4, F4, A4, D5_Falsette,
- Sample: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=43Qv6m9b1fY&t=54s&ab_channel=CrissZ3R0VTuber
- Recommended Resamplers: doppeltler64, f2resamp64
- Recommended Flags: B0Y0H0g-2
- dl: https://bowlroll.net/file/293512
This VB has a slight resemblance to Acme Iku since it was recorded like her, only this is an Official CV-VC.
- Sample: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-oxpHZ7ATAg&ab_channel=CrissZ3R0VTuber
- Recommended Resamplers: doppeltler64, f2resamp64
- Recommended Flags: B0Y0H0
- dl: https://bowlroll.net/file/293093
-ENGLISH Delta (Teto English Reclist CV-VC)-
This VB was recorded just a few years ago (2021), day after it was released, it's a CVVC English using the same reclist that Kasane Teto ENGLISH used, it's just a monopitch in D4.
- Sample: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GpCK3bRzHgo&ab_channel=CrissZ3R0VTuber
- Recommended Resamplers: doppeltler64, f2resamp64
- Recommended Flags: B0Y0H0
- dl: https://bowlroll.net/file/288423
Terms of Use
R-18 Content Allowed? Permission Not Required
Commercial Use of Voicebank Allowed? Unknown
Commercial Use of Character Allowed? Unknown
Do these terms apply to derivative characters/voices? Yes, but derivatives must be created with permission
[* Click here to view commercial license info for this UTAU.]
Voice Sample(s)
Character Details
Height: 176
Weight: 69
He is extroverted, although he tends to be very shy when he barely knows people, but he is very affectionate once he has confidence, due to his past, he had a quiet life until he decided to become a human, he usually enters into small crises when he meets someone, but it passes quickly,