Western Name: Caoimhe
Eastern Name:
Kana Pronunciation: キーヴァ
Gender: Female
Age: 26
Release Date: July 28, 2022
Group/Team: rucowz
[* Official Site]
Technical Details
Voiced by: rucowz
Managed by: rucowz

Voicebank Distribution
• Caoimhe -Power- CVVC: A 5-pitch Japanese CVVC voicebank, recorded at F3, A3, D4, F4, and A4. It has a strong tone. This voicebank can be used in both a high range and a low range. Release Video
• Caoimhe -Mellow-: A 3-pitch Japanese VCV voicebank, recorded at F3, A3, and D4. It has a soft tone. This voicebank has to be used in a typical "male" range. Example, Release Video
• Caoimhe VCV: 7-Pitch Japanese VCV voicebank: E3, C4, D4, D4 Soft, F4, F4 Soft, A4 Power. This voicebank was originally made for a different character, so it has a younger, more feminine tone than Caoimhe's newer voicebanks. Example1, Example2
• Caoimhe VKEI: A 4-pitch Japanese VCV voicebank, recorded at A3, D4, F4, and A4. It has a powerful tone with a slurred exaggerated English accent. Example1, Example2
• Caoimhe OPERA: A 4-pitch Japanese VCV voicebank, recorded at E3, D4, G4, and D#5. It has a dramatic tone with a solid, masculine low range and a weaker, more feminine high range. She was recorded to be an alto, but can sing in a "male" range as well. Example1, Example2
• Caoimhe Arpasing (beta): A 3-pitch English voicebank, recorded at A3, D4, and G4. It has a solid tone and an Irish accent. Example
• Caoimhe CVVC: A 5-pitch Japanese CVVC voicebank, recorded at E3, A3, D4, F4, and A4. It has a neutral low range, a solid mid-range, and a weak high range. This voicebank is best used in a low and middle range. Example1, Example2, Example3
• Caoimhe -Dark- CVVC: A multipitch Japanese CVVC voicebank with a dark tone. Current recorded pitches: C#3 and C4. Example
Terms of Use
R-18 Content Allowed? Permission Required
Commercial Use of Voicebank Allowed? Forbidden
Commercial Use of Character Allowed? Forbidden
Do these terms apply to derivative characters/voices? Derivatives of any sort are forbidden
[* Click here to view the terms of use for this UTAU.]
[* Click here to view commercial license info for this UTAU.]
Voice Sample(s)
Character Details
Height: 176cm / 5'9"
Weight: N/A
Name: Caoimhe (pronounced kee-va and/or kwee-va, it's Irish!)
Age: 26
Pronouns: She/her
Species: Elf
Orientation: Lesbian
Height: 176cm (5'9")
Birthday: June 9th
Zodiac sign: Gemini sun, Libra moon, Virgo rising
Personality: Warm and collected aura, loves to spend time outdoors in the sunlight, hopeless romantic, likes to write love poems about girls, likes crafting handmade jewellery and trinkets, likes sweet drinks.
Backstory: Caoimhe was born in an upperclass family in civilised elven society. As a child, she wanted to grow up to become a knight, but soon found out that her society didn't allow for "ladies" to be true soldiers. Instead, she received minimal combat training. Disappointed and frustrated with the impractical training she received, Caoimhe shaved her prized long hair in a fit of rebellion when she was a teenager and ran away from her city to join up with a gang of pirates, who taught her to fight using real swords. She spent her late teenage years sailing and plundering. Once she hit her mid-20s and matured, she retired from her life of piracy settled on the beach, where she sells handmade jewellery made from pearls and seashells that she gathers and crafts by herself.
Other trivia: Caoimhe's eyes can't see in the dark, therefore she doesn't like nighttime much. She's also an excellent swimmer. Though she retired from her career as a pirate, Caoimhe still carries her two cutlasses with her.