Western Name: Bari (Barry) Tanner
Eastern Name: タノル・バリ
Kana Pronunciation: たんなー・べーりー
Gender: Male
Age: 23
Release Date: April 16, 2013
Group/Team: none
Technical Details
Voiced by: Cdra
Managed by: Cdra

Voicebank Distribution
Japanese "CV" 1.0
→Romaji-encoded rentan CV that can be used as CV or CV-VC Japanese with continuous (VCV) vowels, as well as a small amount of VCV aliasing.
→Three tonal sets (G3/C4/F4) integrated into the prefix.map, as well as two extension sets (whisper and power) that can be accessed with suffixes.
→Range: A2~E5 (Tenor)
→Optimum engines: EFB-GT, EFB-PB, resampler, fresamp.
→It is advised that you use this voicebank with a g+2/3 flag. For the soft extension, g+4/5 is desirable.
English CV VC 1.0: WIP
Old voicebanks:
Japanese CV 0.0 (A bank that was never officially released, but may be downloaded regardless.)
Terms of Use
R-18 Content Allowed? Permission Not Required
Commercial Use of Voicebank Allowed? Permission Required
Commercial Use of Character Allowed? Permission Required
Do these terms apply to derivative characters/voices? Derivatives of any sort are forbidden
Click here to view the terms of use for this UTAU.
[* Click here to view commercial license info for this UTAU.]
Voice Sample(s)
Character Details
Height: 6'3" / 191 cm
Weight: 160 lb / 73 kg
Birthday: May 31
Name notes: Bari's name is pronounced like "Barry", but spelled as "Bari" from the word "baritone". Therefore, it would be more correct to say that his Japanese name is タンナー・ベーリー, but he prefers to use the alias タノル・バリ, which more closely matches his name's spelling and derivation.
He is the younger brother of Halt Tanner, and has some form of close relationship with Soledi Renje.
Personality: A truly devil-may-care personality. Bari isn't as mature as his sister Halt, and he's much louder. Secretly, he isn't terribly confident, but he hides it with bluster and an unflappable manner. He has a grin permanently fixed on his face and is known to do very foolish things on occasion. Unlucky with love, partially because he can be come a bit obsessive when someone catches his eye, to the point of being called yandere. In fact, he has absolutely terrible luck in general, being highly accident-prone. Despite all this, he's typically pretty relaxed. Known to tease.
Most of his art shows the right (left viewing him straight-on) side of his face covered by his hair. Beneath it, his right eye has a white iris and pale pupil; there are also scars all around his eye and upper cheek. Evidently this side of his face sustained some major injury in the past.