Western Name: Bara Buru
Eastern Name: 薔薇ブルー
Kana Pronunciation: ばらぶる
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Release Date: August 8, 2016
Group/Team: None currently
Technical Details
Voiced by: Patiu
Managed by: Patiu

Voicebank Distribution
Newest voicebanks, recorded with high quality microphone
薔薇ブルー たこ (Octopus) - recorded with Arcano AM Black
薔薇ブルー イカ (Squid) - recorded with Arcano AM Black
薔薇ブルー ヒトデ (Starfish) - recorded with Arcano AM Black
薔薇ブルー (White Shark) - recorded with Arcano AM Black
A lot of voicebanks based on sea animals, recorded with high quality microphone
Bara Buru Sea Urchin - recorded with Arcano AM Black
Bara Buru Crab - recorded with Arcano AM Black
Bara Buru Lobster - recorded with Arcano AM Black
Bara Buru Shrimp - recorded with Arcano AM Black
A lot of voicebanks based on dreams, recorded with low quality microphone
Bara Buru Ace of Spades (Monopitch VCV RENZOKU) - recorded with Tomate MTG-020
Bara Buru Glitch (Monopitch CVVV) - recorded with Tomate MTG-020
Bara Buru Shark (Monopitch CVVV) - recorded with generic microphone
Bara Buru Princess (Tripitch VCV full)- recorded with Tomate MTG-020
Bara Buru Milk (7 pitch CVVV)- recorded with Tomate MTG-020
Another Languages
Bara Buru Garoa (Monopitch CVC Portuguese) - recorded with Arcano AM Black
Pala Pulu (Monopitch CV Chinese) - recorded with Tomate MTG-020
Terms of Use
R-18 Content Allowed? Unknown
Commercial Use of Voicebank Allowed? Unknown
Commercial Use of Character Allowed? Unknown
Do these terms apply to derivative characters/voices? Yes, but derivatives must be created with permission
[* Click here to view the terms of use for this UTAU.]
[* Click here to view commercial license info for this UTAU.]
Voice Sample(s)
Character Details
Height: 162
Weight: 54
She's a princess and represents a blue rose, so her name is Bara (rose) Blue.
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