Western Name: Zuzu Ayane
Eastern Name: 彩音ズズ
Kana Pronunciation: あやねずず
Gender: Female
Age: 13 ~ 14
Release Date: December 11, 2014
Technical Details
Voiced by: Kiki1109
Managed by: Kiki1109

Voicebank Distribution
Released Voicebanks:
"Ayane Zuzu VCV 2.0" / 彩音ズズ (連続音)2.0
"Ayane Zuzu VCV 1.0" / 彩音ズズ (連続音)1.0 //outdated
"Ayane Zuzu CV 1.0" / 彩音ズズ(単独音)1.0 //outdated
You can download them here: http://uta-iro.weebly.com/
-Zuzu's CV voicebank is encoded in romaji, with Hiragana aliases.
-Zuzu's VCV 1.0 has mistakes in pronunciation and missed phonemes, She got a new VCV voicebank with all the phonemes
Terms of Use
R-18 Content Allowed? Unknown
Commercial Use of Voicebank Allowed? Permission Required
Commercial Use of Character Allowed? Permission Required
Do these terms apply to derivative characters/voices? Yes, but derivatives must be created with permission
Click here to view the terms of use for this UTAU.
[* Click here to view commercial license info for this UTAU.]
Voice Sample(s)
Character Details
Height: 1.5 Meters
Weight: ???
She was created with the original intention for fun. Her Nickname is Zuzu-Chan or Zu-Chan.
She is a social person, She says it does not matter if it's a boy or a girl, while he or she is good she will always friendly. She loves to stay with friends, and She's very energetic and cheerful with all people, but sometimes she's shy and she gets angry easily, but she's harmless. She admires the VOCALOIDs, and dreams of the day she can do just the same as them, using songs to bring happiness to the world. Her personality is a bit introvert, but she is still the type of girl who has a lot of empathy and does not give up easily.
Her clothing style is half-based in 18th century's style.