Western Name: Aiko Kikyuune
Eastern Name: 気球音アイコ
Kana Pronunciation: ききゅうね・あいこ
Gender: Female
Age: n/a
Release Date: July 10, 2009
Group/Team: Studio VOXYZ
Technical Details
Voiced by: MystSaphyr
Managed by: MystSaphyr

Voicebank Distribution
Please check the readmes in voicebanks for usage tips and notes!
Voicebanks in Progress:
•「ATMOSPHERE」Japanese & English
•「WORLD」Phase 1
•「WORLD」Phase 2
• RockLoud CVVC JP
• RockLoud CVVC EN
• BalladSoft CV-VV JP
• RockLoud CV-VV JP
• RockLoud CV JP
• SOFT Append CV JP
• ACT1 「Revival」CV JP
Terms of Use
R-18 Content Allowed? Forbidden
Commercial Use of Voicebank Allowed? See Additional License Terms
Commercial Use of Character Allowed? Unknown
Do these terms apply to derivative characters/voices? Yes, but derivatives must be created with permission
Click here to view the terms of use for this UTAU.
Click here to view commercial license info for this UTAU.
Voice Sample(s)
Character Details
Height: 5'9" (175 cm)
Weight: 145 lbs (65 kg)
Please Note! Even though Aiko has background information and personality as described below, she does not have to conform to it for songs, art or videos, so as to not limit her creative usage. It is entirely optional and just for fun!
Likes: balloons, chocolate and other sweets, video games, revenge
Dislikes: spicy foods, sore losers, being seen when crying
Aiko is a biodroid (robot with organic parts added) designed to perform, sing and play instruments. She tends to act and look a bit tomboyish, and physically is rather lanky and tall. She’s easily distracted and spends most of her time daydreaming or playing video games, and her temper is as short as her attention span. Aiko has a particular love of high places, and enjoys traveling in flying vehicles or looking out from observation decks on towers or skyscrapers. She can be loud, proud and belligerent and hates being seen as vulnerable to others. She sometimes slips into a Tennessean accent when she loses focus or becomes particularly aggravated, due to her language processor malfunctioning.
Also appears to really, really like Omanyte, has a particular fondness for monsters and dinosaurs, and might be Kagami Kawaiine's sister…