Alex Teion

westernname: 'Alex Teion'
kanjiname: '低音アレックス, 阿历克斯•低音'
kananame: 'Teion Arekkusu'
utauicon: ''
utauboxart: ''
boxcredit: Kuddleinu
gender: Male
age: '19 - 26'
datemonth: '8'
dateday: '15'
dateyear: '13'
utauwebsite: ''
utaugroup: ''
voicer: MusicGalaxy
manager: MusicGalaxy
encoding: '0'
aliasing: '0'
configured: '0'
voicebanks: ''
voicesamples: '<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" allowfullscreen></iframe>'
r18: '0'
commercialvoice: '0'
commercialimage: '0'
derivuse1: '0'
utauterms: ''
utauterms2: ''
height: '7''1"'
weight: ''
chardescription: 'Alex is a vary out going person, he loves talking and has almost no fear in talking to new people. He tends to get too much so tell him and he Will understand! He tries his best to be there and help others when needed, he may try and act like he stronger than he is, the more you know him the more he shows his true self more. He tries to match peoples vibe if he gets along with them, He can go from gentle to extremely rough and you can imagine that in any context LMAO. Music is his life, without it he feels he can’t do anything really. Alex trys to just be there for whom ever he can be. Don’t let his big body and height scare you hes goofy too and a bit of a dumbass :)'
refimage: ''
refcredit: Kuddleinu
image1: ''
onecredit: ''
image2: ''
twocredit: ''
image3: ''
threecredit: ''
image4: ''
fourcredit: ''

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