Seeking Wiki Volunteers

With the recent issue with the wiki running out of space and my review of Recent Changes logs I have noticed several common thrends that can be addressed and you as a wiki viewer can help make the a better place.

  1. Underscore Tag New Entries
    • Many new wiki users don't know that in order to appear in the Glossary's alphabetical UTAU listing you must _X underscore-letter tag the wiki article.
    • If someone forgets to add these tags I would ask that volunteers please add this for them.
  2. Tag Duplicate Files for Deletion
    • When creating a new wiki entry often times people forget to properly delete their duplicate files as they choose and resize their icons.
    • If you see duplicate files please add the tag "duplicate" to the file's page so the staff can review and delete these files as necessary.
  3. Tag WIP/Incomplete/Private UTAU Entries
    • As per our Editing Guidelines WIP, Incomplete and Private UTAU are not allowed within the main namespace.
    • All UTAU entries that do not meet the guideline criteria (WIP, incomplete, or private) are to be moved to the WIP UTAU page.
    • If you see WIP, incomplete, or private UTAU entries please add the tag "wiputau" to the UTAU's page so the staff can review & move the article.
  4. Tag Articles For Moderator Review
    • If you feel an article deserves the staff's attention that doesn't meet any of the above, please add the tag "modreview" to bring it to our attention.

By utilizing specific tags that the staff will monitor volunteers can help us keep the best UTAU-related wiki on the internet!

Thank you all in advance, an keep an eye on the Recent Changes queue so we can keep on top of all these issues going forward.

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Recent Site News

Post Icon Purge VB Directory Update
Following The Great Icon Purge of 2019 the main Voicebank Directory has been broken with many no longer hosted images. It wasn't an issue as previously the Wikidot hosted icons were a mandatory field but with the AJAX uploader that gave us so many errors kicked to the curb, we can no longer guarantee that a profile will have a proper 100x100 icon associated with it.

Axfc Uploader (Edited 9/10)
UPDATE 9/10: As of now, Axfc Uploader is back, with a broken security certificate. However, the incident from last night (and some reports that the site has been down for multiple days prior) has put into perspective how fragile of a position early UTAU voicebanks are in.

The Great Icon Purge of 2019
Many of you have been suffering through constant ajax errors over the past few months when attempting to update your UTAU pages, so this news is a good bit overdue and I apologize.

WIP UTAU Page Creation
I've added quick page creation boxes to both the front page and sidebar for Work-In-Progress UTAU pages! Please remember that if your UTAU does not currently have a released voicebank but you are working on it with the intention of a release, it counts under "WIP" and the page should be posted under the "wiputau" category instead of under the "utau" category.

Misc. Maintenance
Hey everyone! It's been a bit since the last wiki update. I'm just popping in to say that I did some basic maintenance today.

Seeking Wiki Volunteers
With the recent issue with the wiki running out of space and my review of Recent Changes logs I have noticed several common thrends that can be addressed and you as a wiki viewer can help make the a better place.

Space Free: Stop Using .BMP & Size Icons Properly
Crisis averted! After quite a bit of effort, we have freed up more than 25% of the server's file storage by simply resizing and optimizing poorly cropped icons. With the worst offender, a massive 5000x5000px file that took up 5% of our total allocation all by itself.

Storage Limit Reached
I've just been alerted that we've reached our storage limit of 300MB and no more icons can be uploaded.

New .Wiki Domain
The UTAU Wikidot team is proud to announce we have acquired the domain for use with this wiki. All the links to the old wiki articles should still work, but all new visitors should be redirected to our new domain.

Comment System And More
Update for June 16, 2014

Updates - Sept. 5th

  • added Indonesia and Malaysia to countries list
  • fixed how empty forms display on profiles
  • added sections for Soundcloud setlist and YouTube playlist for voice samples

Private Voicebanks
Due to problems in the past with OCs, fanvocaloids, pitchloids and stolen voicebanks being passed off as "private" UTAUs, at the moment we cannot allow profiles for unreleased (noncommercial) voicebanks.
Please read the guidelines before posting.

Welcome to the New UTAU Wiki!
Myst here, posting for Yue since he's currently at work. I just wanted to welcome you all to the UTAU Wiki 2.0!

Unless otherwise stated, the content of this page is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 License