Album Title: Distant Voices
Release Date: July 21, 2020
Circle/Author(s): AzoSBear
Website/Online Store
1. Happy Dreams ft. AZO-BA (Azo Sorabara_Cupcake)
2. My Name is Maria ft. Iso Kyobara, AZO-BA, Azo Sorabara (Azo Sorabara_Cupcake), and Maria (Vo. AzoSBear)
3. Singing by a Window ft. Azo Sorabara (Azo Sorabara_Cupcake)
4. Cotton Candy Clouds ft. AZO-BA, and Azo Sorabara (Azo Sorabara_Cupcake)
5. A Purple Eyed Butterfly ft. AZO-BA, and Azo Sorabara (Azo Sorabara_Cupcake)
6. Roze Waltz ft. Azo Sorabara (Azo Sorabara_Cupcake)
7. Nonsensical Syrup ft. Azo Sorabara (Azo Sorabara_Cupcake)
8. A Flower Just For Me
Where to Get:
Is this album still being sold? No
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Other Information:
The album is free to play on Audiomack